Old Reviews Sticky Brick Labs 'The Runt'

Clem Fandango

Cultivators Club
Apr 15, 2021
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
After a lot of reading, discussing with knowledgeable people and video watching, I bought a 'Runt' to accompany my Vapcap as a butane on demand convection Vaporiser.

I've only had the Runt for 3 days so this is a preliminary review.

First impressions are very positive,
1; well built.
2; lots of extra stuff like screens, stirrers, concentrate pad.
3; easy to set up and understand.

1; I'm a tight arse but at €149 after discount is about 50€ too much imo.
2; the wax finish for the wood had collected in the vapour path resulting in a taste and smell that was awful. Resulting in a necessary thorough clean.

Vape experience;

The Sticky Brick Runt is a vaporiser that hits like a train and delivers bong rip size clouds.

Once the operator gets used to the heating learning curve you can separate the terps from each other or go up the the heat range and have a cloudy terp filled hit that comes out you ears.

I'm vaping some mediocre bud through it at the moment and it's making that bud taste like top shelf gear.

It is said this is a great vape for those that are old school bong or joint smokers and want to keep that hard hitting experience without combustion

There are a couple of negatives. If you're not careful you'll burn your weed. In three days I've burnt or scorched 3 bowls. One badly, the other two lightly scorched, so I stirred and vaped on.

The positive aspect of it being butane powered is also a negative. Butane is a pain in the butt. But also great as a heat source when done correctly.

Screens must be CLEAN. If not the heat will channel.

1; Simple
2; Huge clouds
3; Tasty
4; Hard hitter
5; butane

1; butane
2; danger of scorching the material
3; Screens get dirty quickly
4; not really a vape that you'd hit outside around others.

So, my summary for my preliminary review is this thing is great. I am loving it. I can only imagine how wonderful this will be when I put some decent bud in it.

Good kit man, though I'm unsure about the butane aspect. I assume it gets torched in some way? Lemme see inside, and how you trigger that beast. I likes the weird looking ones.
Here it is broken down so you can see how it works..

It's Modular with strong magnets holding the blocks together.
LRM_20210820_093541 (1)~2.jpg

The operator holds a butane torch lighter up to the glass intake pipe, the trick is to get the lighter distance to match draw speed. This is surprisingly done by sound. The operator hears an air stream noise to which the heat and draw can be fine tuned from.
LRM_20210820_094028~2 (1).jpg

The heat then flows into the material chamber which has an area for heat expansion as it leaves the heat module.

The whole thing is very simple.
It is a great grass heater upperer though and the clouds that you get from this thing are huge.

Another thing, from one bowl I'm getting 4-5 huge cloudy terpy rips with the usual terp hit as first rip (as everything is starting to get warm) and some nice back end terp hits when the gear is all but spent.

So 6-7 hits per bowl. I'm a bit of a lightweight smoker but one bowl gets me higher than a giraffes butt, and that's with only 'ok' weed.
Thanks for the clarity man, I used to have a little bong accessory that was very similar in function. There is a skill to getting these things right.

After a lot of reading...

Keep reading, i'll bet you never read about carbonic acid - and me neither until recently. So i'll need to further develop on this and explain...

I'm vaping some mediocre bud through it at the moment and it's making that bud taste like top shelf gear.

Could it happen to be a result of flirting with "Pulse Heating"?

The positive aspect of it being butane powered is also a negative.

...I'm unsure about the butane aspect.

Here's an early version of the instructions i published relatively to my customized VG pipe long ago:


1st of all correction is necessary when a guy smells butane. Clean butane-burning only generates ultra-hot exhaust gases (+ contaminant "traces") which are H2O + CO2, e.g. water and cabonic gas. What's genuinely odd about it may actually boil down to the abysmal silence on specialized "discussion" boards which seem to systematically avoid a most basic question: doesn't this generate carbonic acid considering both constituants in presence are being heated exactly!?...

Well, in retrospective my testimony with clean-burning butane is that it may take years to experience inconveniences and those are linked to bucal/dental health as far as i'm concerned; by chance it goes away after a visit to the dentist. Not to mention there's the age parameter and i'll argue it's more like an exception confirming a general rule: "Plan-B" where "B" stands for butane worked great for me, but then i keep aging and summer heat waves started to interfere with the hobby at times. In any case i find the bad reputation of butane is due to some great deal of exageration + a lack of fair discernment in deciding which does what, etc.

Although i never tried it such KISS design as illustrated here did earn my respect in advance and it appears a satisfied owners base does exist or it would have been declared "discontinued" like so many others along the path. NASA boys didn't manage to reach such longevity anyway!

Thanks for the close-up shots, i must be a visual... :pop:

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
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