Stick’s Journey Using Canna as Meds.

  • Thread starter Another One Bites the Dust1
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Another One Bites the Dust1

The journey that led me to using Canna as medicine started many years ago when I was a child. As far back as I can remember I have always suffered debilitating headaches (cluster, stress, sinus), I can still remember being in bed for days as a child, out of my mind and not being able to sleep due to the pain.. I have also suffered at times throughout my life from mild depression, as well as from a Chronic GI disease (Ulcerative Colitis), which has been linked to be a causative effect of moderate to severe spinal deterioration.

Just after I turned 12 years old I discovered alcohol and the entire myriad of drugs including Cannabis that were available in the USA, during the 70’s. I have one of those addictive brains, and so instantly became a hard core addict/alcoholic at that young age.

I quit using drugs, alcohol, and Cannabis for recreational purposes before I turned 21 years old, as I knew that I would not make it much past that age due to my rampant addictions, if I continued on the path I was on. I was still suffering from severe headaches, and was prescribed Hydrocodone when I was 25. For several years the Hydros worked great. They made my headaches and my mild depression tolerable and gave me lots of energy, so that I could pursue my life as a workaholic.

As with the vast percentage of long term Opiate users, I began experiencing hyperalgesia (hyper-sensitivity to pain) as the medical community kept increasing my dosage of these pharmaceutical Opiates/Oids, so did my pain level. I knew that I could not go on using Opiates to control my headaches indefinitely, so I requested a consultation with a Neurologist specializing in managing headaches. After the medical community did every test and tried every pharmaceutical known to man to try to alleviate my headaches to no avail. The Neurologist that I was seeing literally threw up his hands and said “you are just one of ‘those patients’ that will have to use Opiate pain meds to help mitigate your headache symptoms for the rest of your life. My journey into Opiate addiction really began in earnest at that point.

Little did I know that Osteoarthritis was also beginning to wreak havoc on my spine and major joints. There were times that I could barely walk at the end of the day, but I attributed this to the years of intense physical labor and thought it was just part of the package of the type of work that I did. I did not slow down enough to use critical thinking at that point, to realize how much more damage I was doing to my spine and joints, due to the high amounts of pharmaceutical pain meds that I was ingesting on a daily basis, and thus could not ‘feel’ much of the pain.

In September of 2008, I was performing a task on my job, as I had done hundreds of times before. I felt ‘something’ go in my lower back, and the pain dropped me to my knees. I took my tool belt off, and finished the rest of the day out. I drove to the job site the following morning, hoping the pain would subside enough that I could work. Wrong! I knew there was something going on with my lower back other than just a strained muscle. I was right, after having every imaging and other test available, it was determined that the lumbar region of my back had irreparable damage, and surgery was not an option. I spent the next two years basically in bed always having around 200 mgs of Oxycodone/Contin in my system, along with Morphine and Methadone, and the pain just kept increasing.

My life working as a tradesman was over, and due to the fact that is all I had ever done, and an injury incurred while on the job, my state gave me the option of being re-trained. My options were fairly limited, as I cannot sit nor stand for very long. I have always had a heart for those with chemical dependency issues being there myself, so I opted to become a drug and alcohol counselor. The very first day of college I learned what can and usually does happen to those of us using Opiate/Oids for long term pain management. As mentioned above, I was experiencing hyperalgesia in a big way. I prayed almost every day just to die, due to the overwhelming pain and depression that usually always accompanies 24/7 chronic pain. I knew that if I was to survive I needed to kick my Opiate dependence. Any of you that have been through this can attest that this is indeed an exceptionally hard thing to go through.

I am privileged to live in one of the first states in the US to legalize MMJ. I met a woman in one of my first classes who had been a MMJ patient for 40 years. I never would have guessed it by talking to her (she was going to school to become a librarian, and looked the part). I shared with her my dilemma, and that I had been clean from the Opiates for 30 days. She offered me some Cannabis to see if they would work for my spinal pain. One hit and the all the pain just melted away, which it never had from all the pharmaceuticals that I had previously been on. The very next day I went and got my MMJ script, a little over three years ago. Since that time my body has rapidly deteriorated, due to the Osteoarthritis and other muscular/ skeletal issues inflicting my body.

The second year of college, I had to have a Total Knee Replacement. But that was not going to stop me from finishing my schooling at that point. Just before my last quarter of school, I could no longer concentrate, as C3 –C7 of my cervical spine had also deteriorated to the point that I had to have a three level discoctomy/fusion in my neck. On 6/26/14 I had a revision on my knee that was replaced and did not heal correctly. That did not help, as the Orthopedic Surgeon stated might happen. The pain is NO better as of this post, and may even be worse.

There are a lot of MMJ dispensaries in my area, but I wanted to know exactly what I was medicating with, so I began growing my own meds one and a half years ago.
Now I need to really nail down just what strains work best for me, so I need to start getting a lot more serious about testing and doing some more of my own breeding projects.

I have finally faced the reality that I will never be able to work a tax paying, job again due to my health, so I will dedicate the rest of my life in learning to cultivate and making meds for others and myself. I have and continue to get set up for growing and breeding indoors and outdoors, making it more or less a full time job, as much as I can.

I am so grateful for this site, and all of the help and encouragement I continue to receive from all of you fine people.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Your brother,
Stickman... you lived a dilemma that is truly an epidemic in this country... Opiate addiction. You have already made huge steps and progress in moving forward with your life and taking charge. I'm subbed up and ready to help you with your journey in any way I can my friend.

See in my situation I have always hated doctors and the medical field ever since I was told at 15 by an Orthopedic Surgeon that "you will never run or play ball again". Don't tell me I can't do something. A year and a half later I was back on the field. Mind you a sports injury is nothing life changing lol I'm not comparing by any means!

In your case, with the pain management needed on a daily basis I would recommend Turmeric (as you know) and a Magnesium Complex. Magnesium is an instant pain reliever. Whether it's topical or sub-lingual (taken orally) I get my Mag Complex from a certain website and it's great for the Lady and I. No complaints. It does it's gig. PM me if you want the link.... I'm always worried about spamming so hit me up if you want it.

I've seen too many just get caught up in the downward spiral of pain killer/opiate abuse and addiction. I blame that on the Federal Death Administration and it's "legal drug dealers" the Doctors. They create addicts. Man, when we were in the wreck this pain management doc we were sent to gave us EVERYTHING under the sun! every pain killer you can think of, Ambien, Flexiril (muscle relaxers), NSAIDS (Naproxen Sodium) for Anti Inflammatory... Luckily the Wife and I are not able to be addicted to Opiates. They make us very very sick. So I ditched the pain pills from the beginning because they made our situations worse.

Canna Infused Coconut Oil has allowed us to permanently ditch the pain pills. Started with Canna Infused Olive Oil but needed something more potent. Coconut is more powerful as THC sticks to the Coconut better than Olive Oil so man... 3 tablespoons before bed and nighty night! I make medibles with it for daytime use but the supplements (Turmeric and Magnesium) are my Day Time pain killers and the Coconut infused is our sleep meds.

Now you know my Wife's situation. the deal with the pills (especially muscle relaxers and ambien) would mess up her vision even more and she truly felt it was speeding up the process of her going blind! Being off it for so long she's getting vision back with her supps and canna regimen.

I'll tell you this from personal experience. No one is gonna come save you. No doctor no medical professional. They just want your money. Knowledge is POWER and knowledge is HEALTH. Change of diet and getting the supps that work best for you is what will save you. Research, research, research.... you have to save yourself. It's an awakening. Really and truly.

My grandfather used to tell me "No one is gonna do it for you. YOU have to DO IT." He was speaking generally but after growing up and realize how true that statement is. You have to take control of your life and your situation and do what's best for YOU regardless if it's legal or not. Because at the end of the day they DON'T want us to be WELL. They want us SICK so they can make money. they don't make money off healthy people. Just like war and peace. Make money off war. Make money off the sick.

I can't wait for the day where we all wake up as ONE CONSCIENCE and realize there is no race, religion, borders, no difference between us ALL. We are all SLAVES TO THE EMPIRE. Break the chains and realize we ARE ONE CONSCIENCE. They keep us all sick and divided. If we were all healthy and all got along like family they couldn't control us.

"They" being the powers at be that pull the strings. You get my drift.

Here's to your health man... Lets get after it!! :d5:
Thank you to both of you for your amazing, inspiring posts.

Stick - unfortunately I have no experience to relate to you, but it was very touching to be able to read your story, so thank you so much for sharing this with us. I wish you all the best of luck and hope you find the relief and happiness you and all of us deserve :karma Cloud:
Stick, we've communicated a bit in the recent past. My issues are trivial compared to yours, or my lady's MS. I've put in almost every waking moment for the last year, learning and working on my skills, both growing and making medicines. We both ventured to other forums, but the overall tine off things just wasn't quite right for me, I think that's why your here too.

"I have finally faced the reality that I will never be able to work a tax paying, job again due to my health, so I will dedicate the rest of my life in learning to cultivate and making meds for others and myself. I have and continue to get set up for growing and breeding indoors and outdoors, making it more or less a full time job, as much as I can." Amen brother! And if there is ever anything I can do for you, let me know! I've survived my injuries better than you, but I still know how you feel. I can no linger hold a "regular" job either, but I don't let that bother me one bit! I started working at 14 and worked all my life till 2009. I paid my dues and so have you! Being poor has driven me to find ways to accomplish what needs to be done, to be DIY even at the times when I wish I could just buy what is needed. But perseverance pays off in the long run and I'm now ready to help my lady, myself, and to begin with, A few others.

This plant was put here for a reason. NO other plant has as many proven medicial qualities as Cannabis, and I for one will let no person or entity prevent me from having and sharing something this valuable!

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin!

Rebel,Londonpeach, and Pop, thank you SO Much for your kind words, wisdom, and thoughtful responses! I am genuinely SO Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to this, but the last few days I have been in a lethargic fog and unable to write in any semblance of being coherent. I am currently doing a fairly rapid taper off of diazapam after using it for many years for anxiety. Getting off of benzodiazapines makes going cold turkey from opiates a walk in the park. But, it is something I am doing! Already went from 10-30 mg per down to 5 mgs for the past month.

You have already made huge steps and progress in moving forward with your life and taking charge. I'm subbed up and ready to help you with your journey in any way I can my friend.Here's to your health man... Lets get after it!! :d5:
Rebel, you my friend literately brought me to tears when I read this, and know that you are a man of your word, and one that truly does care, so yes I am getting after it. But, we can always use support from one another. Again I am so sorry it has taken me all of these days to write back after you took so much time and care to write me.

Yea, don't get me started on big pharma and their push to kill us off with all of their poison for profit. You my brother are preaching to the quire on all that you stated concerning them!

I'll tell you this from personal experience. No one is gonna come save you. No doctor no medical professional. They just want your money. Knowledge is POWER and knowledge is HEALTH. Change of diet and getting the supps that work best for you is what will save you. Research, research, research.... you have to save yourself. It's an awakening. Really and truly.
My grandfather used to tell me "No one is gonna do it for you. YOU have to DO IT." He was speaking generally but after growing up and realize how true that statement is. You have to take control of your life and your situation and do what's best for YOU regardless if it's legal or not. Because at the end of the day they DON'T want us to be WELL. They want us SICK so they can make money. they don't make money off healthy people. Just like war and peace. Make money off war. Make money off the sick.

Thanks for the reminder. If I had learned to become personally pro-active regarding my health years ago, I wouldn't find myself in this place I am in for the rest of my days on earth. I KNOW that 99% of all of my current degenerative issues were, and are caused by all of the pharmaceuticals that I ingested, were injected and infused into my body most of my life. But, I can't dwell on the past, and just go forward,living in the here and now. Your Grandfather sounds/ed like a wise man. I had no one in my life like him growing up.

Canna Infused Coconut Oil has allowed us to permanently ditch the pain pills. Started with Canna Infused Olive Oil but needed something more potent. Coconut is more powerful as THC sticks to the Coconut better than Olive Oil so man... 3 tablespoons before bed and nighty night! I make medibles with it for daytime use but the supplements (Turmeric and Magnesium) are my Day Time pain killers and the Coconut infused is our sleep meds
Yea, I use Canna Infused Coconut Oil in the form of Canna Caps that I have been making for a little over a year. It works incredible. I also make and use Green Dragon tincture (night time only!)
3 tablespoons before bed and nighty night!
Brother, I either have a very low tolerance or the oil I make is much more concentrated. I made some oil with some of Highrise's (Ghaze Diesel x C99), took maybe half a tbl spoon of it, and I was more 'high' than I ever have been from Canna, very uncomfortable! I also have some (Mob x C99a) oil that I am using now, that is about as potent. But, I also recently made some oil with some 120+ day (Stone Dragon x Duurty Dragon) and some GD Tincture with some 120+ day Stone Dragon. Took some of both a while ago, and it has hit me quite well, so need to go dark, as I can hardly keep me eyes open.

The Turmeric and Mag are working well,as well. I need to make up some more Mag oil tomorrow.

Thanks again my brother. Hope to start having a little more time to spend here at AFN, and swing by all of your threads.

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We'll have to chat again man,I have a box full of natural and pretty decent supplements from a very reliable source..Puritans pride as well as a cpl others too.but i dont take em CUZ of my MS so i dont need helping sleeping much these days.well..mostly anywho....:pighug:

I feel your pain brotha man..Cocaine,Pills.ALL kinds of oddball things Ive done for a good long while myself....Hell for a good long while too since I didnt know I had a massive MS attack on its way or a golf ball lesion growing in my head I'd take literally a palm full of Excedren er however ya spell that damned chemical LMFAO!!,Motrin 800 and most anything that was an OTC med and I ripped my insides apart too while I was doing battle with my addiction and Other MS stuffs too.its not an easy thing to do brotha,but you KNOW where Im at bro..Ive been well overweight ,Cant work at all,so I understand these fights more than many and not as well as a few,but all the same we are in this balancing act we call life and mild to serious chemical addictions..Based out of a really nice plant thats often abused.and I intend to prove ppl wrong in fifty ways from last sunday three years ago LMFAO!! anywho,just letting ya know brotha man we be here for you and your wife as as well as others but again bro, ya know where I stand my friend and you Sir are hands DOWN,one of THEEE best people ive met in a good many years if not you rock the shit outta that brother!!Get on the mend wagon man..or the feeling better wagon and being all jacked up too but done healthier and safer..getting Fucked up is great,especially for sickies n the like but done with natural organic grown(correctly used and dosed somewhat) Plants used as you need them or maintain a baseline I personally feel it far safer than ripping into all the opiates or Benzo's n the like(Hell I have a Fentanyil patch on cuz of my pain right now as a matter of fact LMAO) with the chemical crap they peddle as safe..Love ya brother Stick n Family! :pighug::pighug:
:Sharing One::Hookah:"AFN smoke out":Sharing One:

Respect and Love Forever!!! Youve more than earned that from me :smoke:
That there is the love of man kind for all fellow human beings , StickMan you are in my thoughts on your journey .