New Grower sterilizing grow box

Mar 21, 2015
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Hello everyone :tiphat:

I want to sterilize my grow box because the wood is verry dirty and i dont want to have any problem with my plants

i dont know if chemical sterilize have any chance to damage my plants thats why i bought a lot of vinegar botles because i know it is the best organic way to sterilize anything

but i think it is a better idea to ask experts here before i do anything

thank you and cheers :peace:
Hi, colorblind :)
I use a mix of 1/4 cup of bleach to a gallon of water, and wipe everything down well with it, and then go over the room an hour later with plain water to rinse. Never a problem with plants, though I wait a few days to put any into the closet after disinfecting.
I've used vinegar to disinfect my pumps/airstones, but for the tent walls and closet, its that bleach mix.
Hope that helps :) :Sharing One:
Ok thank you maximus :D
thats what i am going to do

cheers :)
You could also use H2O2 which breaks down into water and O2. :goodluck: