Start of a Calcium Deficiency?


The Rookie
Oct 2, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Whatever i can get my hands on!
Problem: Rusted leaf spotting, brown markings

Medium/grow method: Soil (BioBizz) & Organic nutrients

Feed: and supplements used: Bio Bizz Grow, Bloom & Alg a Mic + Epsom Salts & Black Strap Mollases (Unsulphered)

water source: Tap Water, left standing with an airstone in for at least 24hours. PH Usually around 7.4

Strain/age: Northern lights by Royal Queen Seeds. Day 33 from seedling/sprout

light used: Was under 1 Viparspectra LED 600w and 2 350w now under 600w HPS (Dual Spec)

Climate: average temp of 24c and humidity between 45-60%

Additional info: I have 9 plants and only the 1 is showing this symptom! I have 2 northern lights plants and the other is fine. They are nearly all different strains so i dont know if this one has gotten something spilled on the leaves or not.
There are no pests either!

If this is a calcium deficiency how can i supplement it organically?
Ive heard Dolomite Lime but that takes weeks to kick in.

The leaf on the left was part of the fimming so please excuse her bad haircut.
After i add the nutes the PH goes to around 6.3... on days where i do not use nutes i use 100% Raw organic Apple Cider Vinegar to bring the PH down to about 7.0! then i let the microbial life in the soil do the rest!
Hmmmm... saying that though, pehaps a PH fluctuation is the cause?

I do not water until run off!
I water, then come back about 20mins later to feel if the bottoms of the pots are wetter! I use root pouch fabric pots!
Even with vinegar your ph should be near 6.5.That doesn't look like cal def but could be magniesium def or potassium def.Your molasses will help with the mag problem but use at least 1tbl per gallon.Vinegar will bring ph down but it doesn't stay in soil that long so you might be better off getting some reg ph down .
Hey man, I do have regular ph up n down but it’s not organic, I’d rather not use it. Organic soil is supposed to balance itself out. You think if I did use the odd ph down and cal mag would that be ok? I’m going to sit it through a while and see if it gets better! I have general hydro flora series and ph up and down Incase shit goes tits up... but that’s a last resort. I wanna keep it as organic as I can.
Hey man, I do have regular ph up n down but it’s not organic, I’d rather not use it. Organic soil is supposed to balance itself out. You think if I did use the odd ph down and cal mag would that be ok? I’m going to sit it through a while and see if it gets better! I have general hydro flora series and ph up and down Incase shit goes tits up... but that’s a last resort. I wanna keep it as organic as I can.
I could be wrong on this, but most pH lowering solutions are a solution of one or both Citric and Acetic acid. Both are about as organic as it gets.

Edit: Not acetic, Phosphoric Acid.

I use Earth Juice, which is 10% Phosphoric acid, 5% Citric. I dont know how effective just using the citric would be, if you have qualms about the Phosphoric.
Dhante-- I need a whole plant pic please, to assess it properly,.. where on the plant are the affected leaves, color, that sort of thing,... To my eye, this looks more like P defc., but there's some overlap in symptom appearance with Ca defc..,.... soil is best kept mid-low 6's pH, so adjust your water accordingly,... As for organic soil, aside from what lime /CaCO3 is in there, it won't be bullet proof self adjusting,.. there are too many other pH influencing factors involoved in-pot! TLO soil is supposed to be strongly self buffering, due to it's make-up, and especially the microbial life in there,... that is a specialty soil that takes months to make, cook, balance and stabilize,.. using organic nutes doesn't mean the soil is fail-safe (even with inoculants), it certainly can still go off-pH,.. it's just not as likely as with synthetic nutes, and you shouldn't pH adjust the feed solution (usually doesn't need it as you see!),...
The epsoms and molasses, what amounts are you using, and frequency,... Biobizz is pretty loaded with Ca and Mg as is, right? Too much Ca/Mg can start interfering with each others uptake, and other cations,... It's also a mild fert', so it's possible this is just a plain lack-of defc., common with very mild nutes,.. you running full strength?

.... look into getting a soil pH probe, like the Accurate 8 (Control Wizard) for direct in-pot measuring,.:phsoil:(long probe is the A8).. avoid the cheapo skinny probes, those are crap!
Hey guys thanks so much for the replies,
Yea i suppose your right with the PH Down, i do notice that if i PH down with vinegar and leave sit another 12 hours it goes straight back up again, ill use the GH PH Down next so!
Im at work atm @Waira so ill get straight on that when i get home for you. Its on random leaves, not in any certain order... big old fan leaves at the bottom are fine and new growths on top are all good too.
I know im not full organic.... like you said to make a super soil takes months! I wanted to get straight in there and grow!
Perhaps its is a PH imbalance, would make sense!
Im only using half strength nutes and the girls are getting pretty damn big now! Maybe i should mix up to 3 quarter strength! PH sits at about 6.2-6.3 after i add bio bizz!
I notice one of the plants now starting to get a lil lighter in color so i think shes asking for some food!

As for the Molasses i add only a small amount! so about a big tablespoon into approx 20litres of water!