New Grower StarRyder Balcony Grow / Need Opinions (First Grow)

Apr 11, 2015
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Hi everyone,

Here I am, finally about to grow for the first time. I always wanted to but I got serious about it only recently. However, I have many restrictions, top 2 being the space and the budget. I'm determined to give it a try though, since it's the perfect time to plant.

I ordered 3 Dutch Passion StarRyders from Dinafem and got a free Dinafem Blue Cheese Auto. I'll probably get them in about 10 days at most. I want to share my plan with you to hear what you think about it. I have no experience whatsoever.

Here's what I'll use:

- Balcony that gets about 5-6 hours of direct sunlight (it will get longer later on). I live in the Southwest of Turkey so I have Mediterranean climate here. It gets quite warm in the summer. I'm planning to start 1xStarRyder and 1x Blue Cheese Auto by the end of April (space is a restriction as I've mentioned) and plant the remaining 2xStarRyders 2 months later (or after the harvest).

- 2x8 Liter pots. I know that I can go bigger but I don't want them to get too long and I know from other grow journals that they can get as high as 1.2 meters. I want them to stay between 0.5-1 meter.

- Biobizz Light Mix Soil. This is kind of hard to decide since ideally I'd prefer making the soil mix myself both to get more involved in the process and to save some more money but they seem to know what they're doing and as a newbie, I think it's better for me to use a mix that's proven to be good. I really don't have a lot of options here so please don't recommend any other brands, I already looked and I can't get my hands on them.

- Perlite. The soil already has plenty of perlite in it but I read almost everywhere that it still may not be enough for drainage. Should I add extra perlite and if so, how much?

- Biobizz Nutrients (Fish Mix + Bloom). The nutrient part of growing I found is to be the hardest to master. I read a lot about them and I will keep reading. There are many opinions and everyone has their strict do's and don'ts. I found this combination of Biobizz nutrients to be the one that suits both my budget and my growing style the best. My rough plan is to use Fish Mix through vegetative stage and Bloom through flowering stage. I will switch from Fish Mix to Bloom when I think that the plant's height is long enough. I know that this will hurt the yield but stealth is an issue.
If you have any suggestions on nutrients, please keep in mind that my budget is limited at the moment. I know that I should get also Topmax and maybe some more additives or Cal-Mag supplements but I'm trying to keep it cheap and simple. I'd appreciate particularly suggestions on cheap solutions that can easily be found that apply for my nutrient route (such as eggshells for Cal-Mag deficiencies).

These are more or less what I'll use. I may also get a bubble stone to oxygenate the water.

What do you guys think about the plan? Please try to be neutral on your suggestions as I've already read a shitload of discouraging comments that proved to be wrong by experience. Don't forget that this is my first grow and I know that the conditions aren't ideal.
Salutations Kohinoor,

...Balcony that gets about 5-6 hours of direct sunlight... What do you guys think about the plan?

Here's something that won't cost you a bunch:


Simply use a reflective panel to illuminate your plant from behind as well.

Also i'd start under strong CFLs for at least a couple weeks: at best i could provide about 10 h/d to an Auto-Maria II once, by moving it from one window-sill to the next twice a day and in retrospective i wish i had...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
Thank you for the simple yet very useful advice Egzoset, that's the kind of stuff that I'm looking out for. I'm sure that it'll help my squeeze in some more sunlight.

As for the CFL... I really am on the limit of my budget, so for now, it's out of the question. Maybe for the next batch.
Didn't get too many replies but that's good since I'm changing my strategy.

After reading this and similar threads, I now plan to use Biobizz All-Mix.

Here's the plan:

-Fill the 8L pot with All-Mix/Perlite (2:1 - 3:1 what do you think).
-Dig a hole in in the midde, about the size of a big party cup.
-Fill it with Peat/Perlite (2:1).
-Drop the seed.
-Use Fish Mix throughout the grow when it's hungry.

I know that some of you will be against this but I ask for your honest opinions. I don't see why it shouldn't work.
Hey man, how's your grow going?

I'm a new grower too and one of my plants is a Star Ryder about 7-8 weeks old as I write this, I'm also using Bio-Bizz so we have a lot in common! My grow started indoors for the first month or so and now they're all outside.

Here's what I've learned about the Bio-bizz nutrients: the Star Ryder can be pushed pretty hard, I was very conservative for the first month, and was using 1/2 the recommended dose, but then I started reading a thread in the Organics section and I saw Captain Howdy's feeding chart (here).

As you can see those nute dosages are pretty intense: for example at week 4 he's doing 2ml Grow, 1ml Bloom, 1ml TopMax, 1ml Cal/mag!!

You might not want to go that steep, but the point is that you can experiment and push the nutrients beyond the Bio-Bizz recommendations, just watch carefully for the tip burn.

One thing to keep in mind in terms of your limited space is that the Star Ryder can get pretty big. Mine is about 20-30% larger than the other 2 plants I have of different strains.

Good luck and update your posts if ya can!