New Grower Some newb questions

May 31, 2013
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So I've been lurking for a few months soaking in all your good info and I have a question. Maybe more than one.

I see a lot of strains with "Kush", "Haze", "Dragon", etc. in their names. I assume there is some kind of method to this naming - not just by genetics, but by plant qualities or type of high/stone (which is determined by genetics). How can I sort all this out?

I am beginning to get an understanding of how growing conditions can affect yields - but how much can yields really vary if I'm kind of in the middle of the road on most parameters? I can be too analytical and scientific sometimes, and this is supposed to be a hobby, for fun, so what kind of numbers am I looking at if I don't screw anything up too badly? Like a 15-20% drop in yield from ideal conditions, or is it likely to be more? I don't want to get too anal about all this and not have it make too much of a difference. Believe me, I can be too detail-oriented sometimes.

OK, I'll just leave it at two questions for now. Thanks.
So I've been lurking for a few months soaking in all your good info and I have a question. Maybe more than one.

I see a lot of strains with "Kush", "Haze", "Dragon", etc. in their names. I assume there is some kind of method to this naming - not just by genetics, but by plant qualities or type of high/stone (which is determined by genetics). How can I sort all this out?

I am beginning to get an understanding of how growing conditions can affect yields - but how much can yields really vary if I'm kind of in the middle of the road on most parameters? I can be too analytical and scientific sometimes, and this is supposed to be a hobby, for fun, so what kind of numbers am I looking at if I don't screw anything up too badly? Like a 15-20% drop in yield from ideal conditions, or is it likely to be more? I don't want to get too anal about all this and not have it make too much of a difference. Believe me, I can be too detail-oriented sometimes.

OK, I'll just leave it at two questions for now. Thanks.

I want to wait to August 30 to make it a proper decade LOL! Sure you’ve figured it out by now and answers would’ve changed drastically since then.

Strain names don’t mean much anymore, it’s all about the genetic lineage and what you’re after. Assume if it says “Kush” or “OG” in the name there’s something with kush genetics used in breeding that strain, same for “Haze”. Dragon doesn’t mean anything, for instance breeder Barney’s Farm has “Red Dragon” that is a cross of Pakistani Kush and Haze, but the breeder Dragon’s Flame uses “Dragon” in a lot of strains because of the obvious. Thug Pug’s “Unicorn Poop” would throw a lot of red flags in names meant a damn.

Yields can depend on a lot other than environment, especially genetics. Any comparison in yield is highly subjective, are you comparing to a top level grow op with commercial lighting and SOPs tuned to their cultivars? Or just if you could have the best of the best equipment compared to what you have? Middle of the road lights, VPD, etc will have a noticeable difference in yield, and particularly flower density, compared to if you had everything 💯 dialed in.