some input needed on this yellow


Cultivators Club
Aug 30, 2012
Reaction score
Hi guys,

basic information: grow in eazyplug pyramids, Andanved hydroponics of holland nutes with standard 3 part gmb 2-1-1 (old formula) - Feed EC 1.2, PH5.8 as soon as pyramid dries, atm every three days to 10% runoff.
Just as it should be - all the other plants just grow as weed but with this litle girl, some things went wrong.

I transplanted her in a very young stage from pure perlite into this pyramid...because she was yellowing and I thought I did something wrong.
So I just watered a pyramid and stuffed the stem with the roots with a eazyplug into an eazycube and put that onthe the pyramid...stacking game.
She went off well, but always showed me young leaves very bright yellow.
There are two factors that I think play into this

- shes a triploid...perhaps she just is leaves grow, they become nicely green...possible
- The stem, that was squeezed too deep into the medium and has contact to fertilizer above to an inch over the "original" grow-off point.
The last thing was what i was thinking and removed a little part of the little plug in the middle, now just one side has still contact, and there are already roots from the stem to the outer medium.
both things can cause problems, but I have never seen it come to this yellow - and the yellow was there before the transplant.
So now I was thinking I did something to her earlier. But It should have leveled out by now.
Alas she still keeps on with that silly yellowing.

Any thoughts?


Cheers and thanks for any help. Don't want to mess this up.
@The Iconoclast has been growing in those pyramids quite successfully. They may have some useful input if they check in.
I checked his threads and decided on them to run those things...the medium itself works just fine, the "values" are OK so far, no glitches...and the Nutes are nitrogen high normally, and the yellowing just doesn't look like a N def, even if she takes more, because she always grows three branches...that "should" still be OK. the other plants besides her show really dark green leaves, without any (zero!) problems. All the same, but the things mentioned above. So imo it comes down to just a few things I know of, but that just don't fit to the signs they normaly show.
This yellow growing of new leaves and then becoming green is completely new to me...if it stays like that I'd be happy and just watch...but I always fear the leaves stay yellow and the plant dies.

Ah btw there was never any metal in the build, so i don't assume Cu/Fe tox or something like that then either.
It looks to me like you are locking out the micro elements? Have you calibrated your PH pen lately?

I would apply a foliar of Earth Juice MicroBlast or


Hi @Mañ'O'Green, jep that is all double,triple,quadruple checked this time after the probe broke and 'I had bad problems in soil.
In the beginning, when this lady was in perlite i couldn't get ph to the point, thats when yellowing started.
Then I transplanted because of that to the pyramids.
And all just stayed as is...documentary starts here - the grow thread

all her sisters with the exact same feed, just grow nicely, to their abilities.

you'd spray that with n and k at the same ratio, so I'd take at hand what i have, thats my mico with 4,5-0-1 and mix up with bigbud 0-1-3 the same amount and then at 1/10 strength?
What EC would you go for foliar, need just a little bit and I'm metric and don't have the incredients at hand...and to the bad, I'll be some days off and the dripper has to fix it all alone.
I was thinking of micro nutients as well, but what would it be, that ex different from the others...that's what i don't get, they al sit on the same res.

thanks Man.
MicroBlast seems an option if i run in such a mess moreoften, thanks for that.
No I would not foliar feed with

"you'd spray that with n and k at the same ratio, so I'd take at hand what i have, thats my mico with 4,5-0-1 and mix up with bigbud 0-1-3 the same amount and then at 1/10 strength?
What EC would you go for foliar, need just a little bit and I'm metric and don't have the incredients at hand...and to the bad, I'll be some days off and the dripper has to fix it all alone."

Humic Acid and Kelp in a 5:2 ratio with a surfactant. Here is my recipe:

A commercial product that you can also use for a micro-nutrient problem is

follow the instructions on the package to make a foliar dilution.

foliar is the fastest way to revive the plant. You still need to fix what caused it but that may well have been trying to grow in perlite and the subsequent transplant?
I was always thinking humic acid is a N source and kelp is for K mainly plus nicro nutritions, so thats why i thought my micro nutritient part with too low k and mixing in bb for approx the same ratio of k would fit to your suggestion second best, at least what i have.

Yucca is just a surfactant, and for that i always just use some .....professional, non foaming cleaner based on phosphoric's the "ugliest" thing in all my hells kitchen, still "organic" whatever that should be, Needs just a drop and plants had no problems with the organic tensides so far.

OK, I just will let her do her thing...New growth getting greener overnight, doing nothing.
As I won't be able to take bigger care for a week now anyway , I'll have to take the risk.
I hope she is just a naughty little girl and when I'm back shes grown up and will behave.
Thanks for your thoughts and tips.
ah, messed up, humic acid is N not fulvic ok, got it now. was late yesterday.
here is what they look over night



seems new grow is green and then the clorophyll is built just later. The tips of the leaves become green slowly.
As MoG said, i have to find the reason for this...and nailed it to the transplant...that's what I was thinking as well, but the transplant was so early, she should have accomodated for long now - 15 days or so.

So if it's that or something with the plant, the plant herself has to do it, and theres nothing "wrong" with the environment.
And I don't have a) adiagnosis and b) a remedy at hand, so time will tell.
So I won't fix what is not broke and just hope for good luck.

You'll know the outcome in about a week. Thanks!
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