Indoor Soil watering help

Dec 6, 2013
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Ok i have a question i mixed up all my soil and put it in pots germanated my seeds and then used a sprayer to spray the top of the soil and maybe down a inch or 2 and planted my seeds, should i have watered the soil till a little run off before planting my seeds??? or what i did will be ok
You are good man! Just keep an eye on the soil and keep spraying every day or two, not drowning/drenching the soil. you want the tap root to search down for the water. Give it about 50-100ml after she shows and that is to water the seedling and spread a bit of water around the top of the soil too. :thumbsup:
Go easy on the epsome salt! it can cause salt buildup and I wouldn't us eit more than 1 time per week. Too much salt buildup will cause lockout of plant uptake on nutrients and deficiencies will follow! :cheers:
I use Pro Mix Ultimate which has some organic nutes along with mycos. So when I start building up the soil in the pots I moderately moisten the the mix with a with a solution of liquid seaweed and molasses. That seems to make a very root friendly environment. This is new tweak for me and seems to be working really good so I'll keep doing it this way until I find something better.