Indoor Soil pest woes

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So I haven't been on here in a while since I'm currently growing some photoperiods, but I wanted all of your opinions. I have 6 clones rooted and starting to push new growth after they went through some serious stress. I think part of their problem was a TON of soil pests. I see quarter centimeters worms wriggling around in runoff along with these tiny little things that flick themselves across the water. I want them gone before I put them in larger pots. They're currently in solo cups, and I was thinking of using pesticides now just to kill the population, flushing them, and then repotting them. I just don't want to start a crazy infestation once the rest of my soil is presented to them as an environment. I wanted your thoughts on the matter before doing anything. So tell me what you think!
best way for soil pests are mosquito dunks, break em up dissolve in water and flush. they can be had in any hardware store! should take care of most common soil pests, unless you have something exotic!:2cents: good luck with your grow!
I have no idea what soil was used for these clones. I didn't make them, I picked them up from the cousin of a good friend. It seems like decent quality, but a little heavy, and obviously not sterile. To be honest, I'm considering trying to switch them to hydroponics. I was thinking a dwc bin for them. Not sure if that's a terrible idea or not, but that's a question for another thread.

With these mosquito dunks, say I did go dwc, would I be able to leave those in the nutrient juice wihout adverse effects? Or would that require flushing at some point etc?
I see quarter centimeters worms wriggling around in runoff along with these tiny little things that flick themselves across the water
Fungus Gnats they are...
Follow Astronomy420's advice and you cant go wrong.

Stunted Critter
With these mosquito dunks, say I did go dwc, would I be able to leave those in the nutrient juice wihout adverse effects? Or would that require flushing at some point etc?

The dunks are a bacteria that eats the larvae of various pests, and it has no effect on nutrients or plant life. I use them in my organic grow and they kill the bugs without any adverse side effects. But I don't think you'll need them if you switch to DWC. Those pests can't survive underwater, so once the adults die off there would be no way for future generations to reproduce.