Indoor Soil-less Mix

  • Thread starter Thread starter CanadianBudz
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Hey all, what are some good recipes for making a soil-less mix?

would this work?

Basic Soilless Potting Mix

4-6 parts Sphagnum Peat Moss
1 part Perlite
1 part Vermiculite

Basic Mix with Compost

2 parts Compost
2-4 parts Sphagnum Peat Moss
1 part Perlite
1 part Vermiculite

Basic Mix with the Addition of Nutrients

Add ½ cup each per every 8 gallons of mix:
½ cup Bone Meal(Phosphorous)
½ cup Dolomitic Limestone (Raises soil pH and provides calcium and magnesium)
½ cup Blood Meal or Soybean Meal or Dried Kelp Powder (Nitrogen)
You are in canada. Check this site out.

They have a ton of additives. I use their products all the time. You should be able to find it at some local shops.

IMO i would get away from the sphagnum peat. You should be able to find sunshine mix #4 or Promix HP or BX. They are all ph'd, so you wouldn't have to add as much lime. It takes some of the guess work out of it. Once you start composting the peat you'll need lime to control the acidity.

Worm castings are one thing the really makes a difference! They bring in macro nutes/minerals, and in some cases (non sterilized) micro heard. I use a ton when i have it around.

When i am adding blood and bone meal, i do a full cup per 3 gal bag. Some times I swear I could use more.

Just some of my thoughts.
Thanks Bailer, kind of limited to what I can get in stores, it's down to Canadian Tire or Walmart, not a big area here
Damn! Well that does change things. I did find some sunshine mix at wally world one time. Not often though. The peat might be your only option then, to use as your base.

Can you order packages? Welcomharvest's small bags are about the size of half a loaf of bread. Not too heavy ether. If I had to choose just 2 of their products i'd use the flower power and super grow.
I can give it a shot, checked the CT website and it says they have pro-mix potting and seeding mix in stock here though, same with pro-mix all purpose outdoor with compost mix
I would try to find it, if you can! It would make a much more reliable base to start with! Then you can at least add to it and not worry so much about PH. Plus it has perlite mixed in too. So one less expense!
I completely forgot about Home Hardware, looked on the site, they have Sunshine mix 4 but not here, they also have something called Greenworld professional mix VPW30 that's $25.99 for 3.8 cu'

Greenworld professional mix VPW30