New Grower Soil layering.......anyone ever tried ????

Jan 3, 2015
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I hope this is in the right place here, forum Admins please move it if not so

Reading the Mephisto thread with the bed/planter build got me thinking, is soil layering something that has been tried?

I googled a bit and found plenty of air layering......but soil layering? I have done this for many years with different plants, both in the tropics and temperate climes, works a treat and saves buying lots of potted specimens..........albeit take some time.......and of course not always 100% successful as this was always just crudely and randomly done. as a simple illustration, there is loads more out there.......

Purdue Extension   Simple Layering.png

I can't help but thinking with a ScroG above.........for photos specifically, but also for autos if done right..........

And please, someone help............I just can't figure out how inserting photos works on this forume.......can't even seem to find a way to upload pics to my album and then from there to a post......maddening........thankfully a couple of puffs of white widow an hour ago saved my laptop right now......I think.......but please does everyone manage to insert pics rather than little me.......but then again I'm a bit of a sore knob when it comes to more than starting Windows.......I think!......Idiot out!!!
I'm trying to upload my thread and I can't upload images neither. I've just deleted text update because its useless without the pics.

Never seen this technique for any plant before. Thanks for posting.
I hope this is in the right place here, forum Admins please move it if not so

Reading the Mephisto thread with the bed/planter build got me thinking, is soil layering something that has been tried?

I googled a bit and found plenty of air layering......but soil layering? I have done this for many years with different plants, both in the tropics and temperate climes, works a treat and saves buying lots of potted specimens..........albeit take some time.......and of course not always 100% successful as this was always just crudely and randomly done. as a simple illustration, there is loads more out there.......

View attachment 416727

I can't help but thinking with a ScroG above.........for photos specifically, but also for autos if done right..........

And please, someone help............I just can't figure out how inserting photos works on this forume.......can't even seem to find a way to upload pics to my album and then from there to a post......maddening........thankfully a couple of puffs of white widow an hour ago saved my laptop right now......I think.......but please does everyone manage to insert pics rather than little me.......but then again I'm a bit of a sore knob when it comes to more than starting Windows.......I think!......Idiot out!!!
I have heard of this before but never though of trying it with cannabis. might be ans easy way to get clones if it works. but may be difficult bending branches into existing soil perhaps placing small pots filled with soil on top of existing planter would help if branches are to high to bend that much. low branches don't produce much so may be worth a try
I found this from a post yesterday and was able to figure out the posting photos in the post. See if you can gather anything from this tutorial. It seems to be extra steps to do it. Let me know if you have any problem and I'll try to help.

Looked through the tutorial, I can find no way to add pics to my existing I need to create a new album for every pic.....doesn't sound right.......Admins, something is amiss
Never seen this technique for any plant before. Thanks for posting.

Nothing new, ages old technique, google "soil layering".........., I just had this vision that was no doubt aided by a lull of boredom with Quantum seed, a football field plant collecting food from a football field..........weird stuff!

Seriously, someone MUST have tried this........its nothing new for "BOTANISTS".........13.gif
Corgy, down at the bottom of the text box you use for posting is a "go advanced" button. click it, post, add photo's by clicking the paper clip Icon in the formatting toolbar. you can probably figure it out once the attachment que pops up.

Look for the Live Help Thread if you have more questions.

YES is the simple answer, after I read the link finally ha ha.

Root66 has done this, and it worked. She has pictures I think, at least one or two
after reading this post decided to give it a try. used jiffy pots filled with soil and bamboo rods to keep the stem under the soil. ive not had a of of luck with cloning. will be interesting to see if this works 007.jpg
after reading this post decided to give it a try. used jiffy pots filled with soil and bamboo rods to keep the stem under the soil. ive not had a of of luck with cloning. will be interesting to see if this works View attachment 416766

Super, boisterous, may I suggest that the Faster Than LIght(FTL amongst buddies) quantum effect inspired this.........Can't wait to hear what to see you getting rooting, best of luck mate! Start a new "layerer 'something....'" thread so it doesn't swamp down in this one. Here is another pic, of how to get the show on the road......not that it isn't pretty obvious me thinks


thanks Eekman for trying to show un-obvious way of how to insert pics on here, sorry doesn't quite work according to your suggestion........Serenity NOW Serenity 1.gif why is this .gif only working in the draft screen but not when posted, and pics are still thumbnails......realitycheck (1).gif
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