I hope this is in the right place here, forum Admins please move it if not so
Reading the Mephisto thread https://www.autoflower.org/f149/mephisto-bx-line-bed-planter-build-39264.html with the bed/planter build got me thinking, is soil layering something that has been tried?
I googled a bit and found plenty of air layering......but soil layering? I have done this for many years with different plants, both in the tropics and temperate climes, works a treat and saves buying lots of potted specimens..........albeit take some time.......and of course not always 100% successful as this was always just crudely and randomly done.
http://www.hort.purdue.edu/plantprop/webversion/Layering/5_1.html as a simple illustration, there is loads more out there.......

I can't help but thinking with a ScroG above.........for photos specifically, but also for autos if done right..........
And please, someone help............I just can't figure out how inserting photos works on this forume.......can't even seem to find a way to upload pics to my album and then from there to a post......maddening........thankfully a couple of puffs of white widow an hour ago saved my laptop right now......I think.......but please help.....how does everyone manage to insert pics rather than little thumbnails.....beats me.......but then again I'm a bit of a sore knob when it comes to more than starting Windows.......I think!......Idiot out!!!
Reading the Mephisto thread https://www.autoflower.org/f149/mephisto-bx-line-bed-planter-build-39264.html with the bed/planter build got me thinking, is soil layering something that has been tried?
I googled a bit and found plenty of air layering......but soil layering? I have done this for many years with different plants, both in the tropics and temperate climes, works a treat and saves buying lots of potted specimens..........albeit take some time.......and of course not always 100% successful as this was always just crudely and randomly done.
http://www.hort.purdue.edu/plantprop/webversion/Layering/5_1.html as a simple illustration, there is loads more out there.......

I can't help but thinking with a ScroG above.........for photos specifically, but also for autos if done right..........
And please, someone help............I just can't figure out how inserting photos works on this forume.......can't even seem to find a way to upload pics to my album and then from there to a post......maddening........thankfully a couple of puffs of white widow an hour ago saved my laptop right now......I think.......but please help.....how does everyone manage to insert pics rather than little thumbnails.....beats me.......but then again I'm a bit of a sore knob when it comes to more than starting Windows.......I think!......Idiot out!!!