Small tent /big girls


4x8 autoflower grower
Cultivators Club
Sep 16, 2020
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Being a new grower I have read alot, taken what I think is useful and run with it, I've over watered, over nuted, battled 32°c plus tent temps and low humidity and worked through it all in 7 weeks lol...
I think I am doing OK, still making mistakes but learning how to catch them early and correct..
Thing is, I only have a 60 x 120 x 150 tall tent so I am also finding out how big these girls can get...

Question 1
I have 3 x Bcn critical xxl girls just heading into week seven and all into flower.. The are 20 inches tall from the soil, really fat main stem
I have let the main cola go natural and lst'd the lower growth to pull it down and into space... I have trimmed about 6 bigger shade leaves off every week just to open up light to the lst'd areas.. They are on full dose remo Nutrients every other water and ph'd water on the alternate.
Looking at the pics and given the info, are these likely to get much bigger? I assume they have another 5 or more weeks to go.. I have Mazar in veg and 2 other seedlings in small pots and wonder if I should pot the seedlings on into smaller pots in case these take over

Question 2, has anyone grown in 5 litre air pots? My aim for the tent is lots of variety and interesting strains, as much as a huge yield is a lovely thing, I am wondering whether to grow more variety in smaller pots or varying different sizes once my first girls are harvested.
Question 3
Does it look like I have 3 different phenotypes of the critcals? , 1 is well into preflower and dark and stocky... The other 2 are in slightly different stages of preflower
And all 3 look slightly different one being slightly lighter and thinner leaved and behave differently.

It is a perpetual grow so I am hoping to pop another 1 in every 3 or so weeks..

Any advice/observations will d be greatly appreciated
Please bear in mind Ive had the light 2 close on a few occasions and I was battling 30°c heat in there today so they look a bit baked lol


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    St. Tom

    points: 10
    well done if they were mine id be chuffed
mine normally stop stretching after say about day 55 give or take and they don't look at all in bad shape even with the heat stress but there the hurdles growing in the summer time .you should give yourself a pat on the back bro :pass: :smoking:
mine normally stop stretching after say about day 55 give or take and they don't look at all in bad shape even with the heat stress but there the hurdles growing in the summer time .you should give yourself a pat on the back bro :pass: :smoking:
Thanks mate, means alot, doesn't matter how much I read, an experienced eye or 2 helps alot, its easy to feel a bit lost at times having not seen a grow though yet.

Really glad I found the site, and many thanks again for the comments and rep points

Thanks mate, means alot, doesn't matter how much I read, an experienced eye or 2 helps alot, its easy to feel a bit lost at times having not seen a grow though yet.

Really glad I found the site, and many thanks again for the comments and rep points

with your hps in summer it was always gonna be tough but the main heat has gone now weather-wise and just keep your air moving with your fans and you will be golden mate I've had superb results with remo newts and if you stay the way your going to have a great little harvest plus I'm just happy to help and its great to have another opinion . also i joined here in 2016 just like you first run of autos and didn't have a clue and it just snowballed and i never left
with your hps in summer it was always gonna be tough but the main heat has gone now weather-wise and just keep your air moving with your fans and you will be golden mate I've had superb results with remo newts and if you stay the way your going to have a great little harvest plus I'm just happy to help and its great to have another opinion . also i joined here in 2016 just like you first run of autos and didn't have a clue and it just snowballed and i never left
Ha ha... I can understand why, I flippin love it... My tent is in my workshop away from the house and I have a racing seat in front of the tent, I now take my morning coffee in my seat with my new girlfriends and just marvel at what's happened in the night , and I can't believe the change some days.. Its bonkers and more rewarding than Imagined... I don't have any house plants because I kill them all lol, I think why I have taken to this (apart from the obvious consumption angle) is because I love science, problem solving, engineering etc, when I get used to the basics I'll be pushing the boundaries of Autoflowers just to see what happens lol

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Ha ha... I can understand why, I flippin love it... My tent is in my workshop away from the house and I have a racing seat in front of the tent, I now take my morning coffee in my seat with my new girlfriends and just marvel at what's happened in the night , and I can't believe the change some days.. Its bonkers and more rewarding than Imagined... I don't have any house plants because I kill them all lol, I think why I have taken to this (apart from the obvious consumption angle) is because I love science, problem solving, engineering etc, when I get used to the basics I'll be pushing the boundaries of Autoflowers just to see what happens lol

get a couple of grows under your belt and maybe look into some new style led lights it will save you on electric and greater yields but that's the future and i still haven't got bored of growing but i smoke a different strain every couple of days so you can see why I'm solo loco and i couldn't in a million years buy these strains off the street
Hey Rusty:
The girls may stretch 50% to 100% of what they are now. It is always difficult to tell what they want to do. I don't see enough differences in the girls to call them different phenos at least not yet. Every seed will be different to some extent.

Smaller pots require attention more often?

Hey Rusty:
The girls may stretch 50% to 100% of what they are now. It is always difficult to tell what they want to do. I don't see enough differences in the girls to call them different phenos at least not yet. Every seed will be different to some extent.

Smaller pots require attention more often?

Blimey 50 to 100 lol so xxl autos was probably a bit of a novice buy for my little area lol, but 8 quid for 5 seeds, I thought, good n cheap in case I bugger it up.. Lol

Happy to put in the time with smaller pots, although, I'll also look at shorter varieties, hone my lst skills and perhaps try 9 ltr air pots?

Blimey 50 to 100 lol so xxl autos was probably a bit of a novice buy for my little area lol, but 8 quid for 5 seeds, I thought, good n cheap in case I bugger it up.. Lol

Happy to put in the time with smaller pots, although, I'll also look at shorter varieties, hone my lst skills and perhaps try 9 ltr air pots?

It looks like you have plenty of vertical space left. Sooner or later all of us indoor growers need to learn about supercropping :rofl:. The size of the pot will limit plant size some but a bigger factor is the genetics. I grow in 6 inch rock wool cubes and my plants right now are monsters that I have been supercropping. The Panama Red would have been over 7 feet tall if I had not cropped her twice including the secondary branches :yoinks:.

It looks like you have plenty of vertical space left. Sooner or later all of us indoor growers need to learn about supercropping :rofl:. The size of the pot will limit plant size some but a bigger factor is the genetics. I grow in 6 inch rock wool cubes and my plants right now are monsters that I have been supercropping. The Panama Red would have been over 7 feet tall if I had not cropped her twice including the secondary branches :yoinks:.

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Flippin heck that's a monster.
My hps was causing heat stress at 18 inches and it is now at the top of the 5ft tent and is 23 inches away from the top... I couldn't fit a 6ft tent in the space... I'm skint or I would buy a vented lamp housing like a cool tube etc..

For some reason my phone camera makes my tent look much taller for some reason lol

I think I'll be alright, if not I'll tie the colas over a bit this time lol


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