Photoperiod Slaters Hot Budzz

  • Slater

    Flowery Twats
    AFN Global Moderator
    Cultivators Club
    Sep 7, 2016
    Reaction score
    Hey everyone and welcome to my grow. Please come on in, pull a chair up, make your self comfortable and watch the garden grow.

    A bit about my self, I used to grow in a 3x3 tent for my self. All Autoflowers, that's why I ended up on AFN in 2016, needed to know how to grow. AFN didn't disappoint and got me through my first grow with huge success. Thank you AFN.
    As usual life throws you a curve ball all the time, by my third grow a very close friend had developed breast cancer so I upped my game for her. Added another 3 tents, started photo periods along side my autos and got hot into making concentrates and hash for her. Basically my grow became a care giver project for who needed it. So far I've got two friends through chemo and out the other side. Plus I've made last days of some terminally ill bare able and painless. It feels good to help.

    But now I have to think of myself and focus on what makes me happy (I've been in a dark place of recent) and that growing this wondrously plant and sharing any knowledge I obtain along the way.
    So let's get this grow thread under way.

    I've moved house since my departure from AFN two years ago and had full permission from the misses to kit the loft out.

    This is the main flower room

    On the left is a 5x4 space and on the right is rolling 4x4 tray, just roll it to the right to get in and start working.
    I like to scrog the lady's, it's the only way to deal with the stretch seen as I'm vertically challenged in that space.
    It's a run to waste system, coco, compost tea once a week, Remo nutes.
    There is one organic grow up the back with my home made super soil.

    The veg room

    The main growing area is about 6x4, I've got the trays on wheels so it's easy to move everything about. What you see here is the next round (Birthday Cake and Macloud) and my mothers. Sorry no autos yet but I will soon rectify that. Got some Menphisto in the stable ready to go.
    Again coco, run to waste, Remo nutes.

    This is RnD

    It's a 3x2 flood and drain set up. I can fit 14 plants in one go along as I don't veg for to long. For this run I'm hunting a male for this years breed run. These are heirloom seeds by Afghan selection, the real mazar.
    I will be keeping the best lady but the focus is on getting male. We should be seeing some wonderful colours, according to the spill there are common red and black phenotypes that pop up with a selection of fruity citrus flavours. Seen as they are heirloom seeds I'm hoping for a wider cannabinoid profile. I'm not looking for silly high thc numbers.

    Sorry the breed / hash making chamber is a mess so no pics just yet. The males from RnD will be in there very soon for selection. Pics will come then.

    So last year for shits and giggles I decided to do a seed run, mainly to preserve my gentics. I chose a Highlander male (ocean grown seeds, Witches Brew x Vader OG) and crossed it with Mac, GMO (original clone), SourG (gg4 bx1 pheno), King Louie XIII and a cut I named Lemon Chello (seed stockers, maple sherbert x skunk pre 89). So far I've only grown out the Mac cross. Which I think went rather well, if I had bought the seeds I would have been very happy. 9 lady's out of 10.
    Here are some pics of my fave phenos. I've kept the top one for a mono run.

    So that's where Slaters garden is at, there's always lots going on and plenty to share.
    It's good yo be back on AFN.
    Bud porn
  • Dropping some bud porn until the next update.

    This is Sour G, I found her in pheno hunt looking for my own GG4. I bought a 12 pack of gg4 bx1 from Dark Horse gentics and 6 pack from the GG4 company it self.
    I grew out 7 of the dark horse, found some nice phenos (grape/black berry turps if I remember rightly) but nothing that made want to keep one. I was little nieve in my pheno hunting back then. To say the least I was a little disappointed, I so wanted my own GG4 after hearing all the hype in the UK. Plus these seeds
    had cost me a small fortune.
    Fast forward a year or so and I decide to go hunting again. I popped the remaining Dark Horse and the 6 original GG4's.
    Now I hit glu on this run, there's no mistaking Gorilla Glue once you see it growing. It has it's own distinctive turp profile and it's bud structure is easily recognisable. The 6 phenotypes from the GG4 company all looked like each other and near clones of the original GG4. They had only slight differences between them. All super frosty and very oily. Tricky to chose between them all.
    Out of the remaining Dark Horse I think 2 or 3 popped but only one made it to flower.
    And that was the now infamous Sour G.
    She stood out like sore thumb in the room. Super frosty, chunky dense nugs, good yeilder but what stood out the most was her turps. It so won the day. How to describe it... Rotten Sour creamy custard with a touch of vanilla. It's very distinctive nothing I've grown before and after comes close to its turps. I now what sour turps are and the hype they cause across the pond.
    To top it off she is one powerful lady, the strongest I've smoked to date. No toking on this in the day, instance anxiety attack if your not careful. I've had to take my self home on more than one occasion when walking the dog. No wake and bake warning, unless your at a festival but you better be a professional.
    I've started breeding with her with intentions of making her my first strain. I so want to share these turps with everyone.

    Equipment review
  • New Toys update...


    Unboxing of an 4" AC infinity fan.

    Been hearing a lot about AC infinity, they sponsor a lot of the YT growers and have some big claims.
    I had heard of AC infinity before they branched out into the world of indoor gardening. They have a very good reputation in the world of Home Cinema with cooling fans for high fi racks and of course extraction units.

    My only hang up before I even plug it in is the choice to use PWM to control the motor. I use Variac controlers for my other fans.

    Whats the difference

    "Pulse-width modulation (PWM), or pulse-duration modulation (PDM), is a method of reducing the average power delivered by an electrical signal, by effectively chopping it up into discrete parts. The average value of voltage (and current) fed to the load is controlled by turning the switch between supply and load on and off at a fast rate."

    "A variable voltage autotransformer (also known as variac) is a transformer which is able to transform or produce AC mains voltages at different desired levels at its output. Thus unlike an ordinary transformer its output voltage is not fixed, rather can be varied manually to obtain more than a single voltage. The voltage obtained from such a device is normally an AC at mains level, which may be higher or lower than the applied input voltage depending upon its settings."

    I have tried both types of controlers, veriac are far more expensive than the PWM but there is a huge difference on the sound the motors in the fan make. PMW can cuase a very fast pulsating vroom vroom sound as it sends the pulse to the fan motor. But with veriac you get constant voltage so no vroom vroom plusing, which in turn make the fan motor run super smooth and quiet.

    Right let's get this box open



    You get a realy nice slick brochure... with canna all over it ahhhh, great if your in the US but im knee deep in prohibition land so I'm going to have dispose of it discretely.
    Same as the box it has canna leaves on the side, it basically says im growing weed here is my fan. So glad it came in an Amazon box sealed. Again got be carful disposing of the box.


    Very impressed with the packing, looks like nothing can get damaged in transit. Also it's been well designed for that perfect unboxing dopamine fix.
    It comes with all fixings you could think of. Straps, cable ties, reusable velcro ties, screws, 2 quick release clips. Every thing you can think of for good cable management.
    There is also a very well designed and printed instruction manual for the complete AC infinity range. Makes me want to get more of the range.


    Smart looking fan, thers plenty of cable so no worries there. I maybe tempted in the future to shorten the power cord.
    Plenty of length for the controller. If I wanted I could mount it any where within a 2m radius, thats realy handy.


    Installation was very easy, the fan slots into the filter neatly and quite snug to point you could lift the fan and the filter will not drop off


    Now comes the test...

    First impressions is that at lower speeds it is very quiet. Very little motor sounds, nice and smooth. But once you go past 2/3 you notice the motor sound. Not as loud as others I've had but louder than my Variac controled rvk fan. At full power I would say it is a little bit more quite than my previous fan but not much difference than most.
    Where it does succeed is in the lower speeds even though it is a PWM surprisingly its doing a great job, virtually silent only the air movement is heard. My breed chamber has a PWM controler and is considerably more noticeable at lower speeds than the AC infinity fan

    It really good designed bit of repurposed kit from Home Cinema to Grow tents. Yes they have slapped canna images all over it but fair play to AC Infinity they haven't done the usual of 4 x the price of the original.
    Overall it does what I says on the tin but at full power there's very little difference between it and other extraction fans of the same design.
    I would be tempted to swap over to AC infinity throughout the loft only for their controlers and monitoring with a phone app... but I would rather a Variac hooked up to a troll master for a better motor volume at high speeds.
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    Clone update
  • Garden Up date

    Testing the water with video updates.
    Finally managed it @St. Tom

    How the quality ? Would you like more vid updates ?

    The main space got its full reset for the next round.

    Birthday Cake on the left and Macloud on the right. Really pumped for the Macloud my first ever mono run with a hybrid I created.

    My new light finally turned up, I already had a 240w HLG kit but with original v1 boards in my main space so I decided to swap the boards with my new fixtures Rspec boards.
    Very much looking forward to seeing how it does, I can already see its brighter than the original v1 boards.


    Happy Sunday everyone
    Auto grow White Crack
  • Garden update

    I soaked the seeds for 24 hrs in RO water. Then into the paper towel for 48hrs, paper towel was soaked with 1/4 strength nutes. I picked the strongest 3 out of the 5.
