Indoor Sigh - The soil I'm using came infested with fruit flys........


Wannabe Botanist
Mar 16, 2015
Reaction score
Sigh - The soil I'm using came infested with little fruit flies..... In a fit of rage I dumped MG perlite about 1 & 1/4 inches thick on top of the soil to kill any unhatched eggs - then I cleaned and swept everything again. They're all gone. The MG has trace fertilizers in it, 0.49% - my plants are beautiful and closing in on 4 weeks. Think the perlite will burn my plants when I water through it ? I'd rather suck it off with a vacuum than burn the plants even a little. Anyone ?? :dunno: :help:
In my opinion better to prevent it, just in case, if it is too strong for the ladies.
Wouldn't sweat it myself, let it be
/\ agreed. Fungus gnats are easy to handle just get a sticky fly strip , I've heard you can use hydrogen peroxide in some water , them water per usual and the peroxide is supposed to kill all the larvae. Never tried it so use caution if u decide to try it.

The mg perlite is fine it has never burned any body various photos or even a ww auto or two. I noticed that the plants with that perlite stayed dark green longer than the same plants with regular perlite. In fact the Jesus OG loves it.

As long as there's not a whole lot of nitrogen in your soil already u will be good my friend.

Take a 2 liter bottle and cut the top 1/3rd off and flip it over and place it inside the bottom 2/3 of the bottle. Pour a half cup of apple cider vinegar inside the bottle. Gnats and fruit flies will go inside but wont find there way back out and they will die. Place a bottle in your room, place one by your floor drain and place one by your sink. These little bastards like to lay eggs in these places. Good luck!