Photography Sideways pictures upload - Fix


Kia ora. Retired to watch the grass grow.
Cultivators Club
Sep 15, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Dabs of Rosin.

There is a long winded explanation why pictures from some digital cameras (mobile phones) load sideways but who cares we just want to fix it, right.

The best option is to upload them to your PC and run them through a photo editor. Save them as a small .JPG file and upload them to the forum.

No time, no PC, no problem. From here the path of least resistance from my investigation is to open the picture on your phone with free software, Google Snapseed (iOS and Android). Snapseed is highly rated. Open your picture in it. Rotate it and save it. Then upload it. You may find you need to rotate left, right, 180° or 360°. This is a bit of trial and error until you find what works for you. There are several tutorials on the web on how to use Snapseed.

This is a quick demo:

Official Google Snapseed help:

For some reason, some pictures still come through sideways. I use an editor on my laptop and some just post sideways.
Rotate them 360° in the editor before saving them and see if that fixes them?
I’ve done this idk how many times, some work, others don’t. I’ve gone back to the original picture to re edit, it’s still a hit or miss, screw it light a bowl and move on:doh:.... I’ll look into the apps, maybe one will figure it out right! I’ll update if I download one! :joy:
I’ve done this idk how many times, some work, others don’t. I’ve gone back to the original picture to re edit, it’s still a hit or miss, screw it light a bowl and move on:doh:.... I’ll look into the apps, maybe one will figure it out right! I’ll update if I download one! :joy:
After I had replied that it worked...the same thing happened to me so I just don't worry about it anymore.
After I had replied that it worked...the same thing happened to me so I just don't worry about it anymore.
I’ve given up, an apology from me to the broken neck lookin at my pix... I’ll add that to my signature :crying: