Indoor Sick plant need help please

Aug 8, 2019
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Im new here and dont know what to do. Using bio bizz nutes and bio bizz light mix soil. Day 33 after sprout and have some issues. Mars hydro ts 1000 10 litre air pot. Purple lemonade fast buds Please help. Humidistat 60% temp 26 Celsius light schedule 20-4


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Looks like you have a lot of N. Deep green color and clawing down. Are the tips of the leaflets turning brown?
You're feeding just .25-.5 L/day - seems too low. At that size, I'd need to feed 2/3-1 L/day. Do the leaves "perk up," look better, after watering? If so, maybe not enough water.

I'm also currently using BioBizz light. I recall the instructions (posted here on AFN) specify watering with some excess (15%?) each time. I never bother to do this and have seen no problems. and others have reported the same. But unlike me, you're using such a relatively small Air-Pot that doing drain-to-waste feeding should be easy, so consider following the instructions.

Otherwise, color is hard to tell, but maybe a bit too much N. Maybe tell us about the nutes you've been using? And others will likely be asking for more needed information (or for you to fill out the appropriate form), such as about pH of feed going in, if you have or can measure soil pH, etc.
:toke:- yup, looks suspect for N-toxicity,... biobizz is a pretty mild nute line,I surprised you got this at all,... what dosage, and exact products are you using?
:toke:- yup, looks suspect for N-toxicity,... biobizz is a pretty mild nute line,I surprised you got this at all,... what dosage, and exact products are you using?
[/QUOTE1ml/1l bio grow heaven top max Bloom algamic and activera + 3ml root juice and 0.25 ml equlibruim cal mag humboldt nutrients pH 6,3-6,6 tap water 24h waiting in bucket before mix nutes
...hmmm, you know what... did she get overwatered or dry out badly previously, mate? Sometimes this leaf curl/bowing mimics N tox, but it's not... Puzzling, you do have tip claw too, but at that dosage, I can't believe you're getting this reaction,...
In any case even if it is N tox, nothing to do about it now,.. you're on bloom nutes which is good, lower N content... I do recommend some sort of PK booster, something with no N content....