New Grower Should I harvest this

May 12, 2016
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I know that I'm probably a week or so from harvest, but a LOT of my leaves are yellowing and so are the sugar leaves. I think I had some deficiencies early in flowering. They are on day 63. The pistils are about 50/50 white/brown. I checked the triches and I don't have ANY amber yet, but a lot of cloudy. They are in my closet under a 600 watt hps. I'm scared they will start getting bud rot or something if I let them go longer. Strain is Skyrone Stomper and Bubbly Blues from mephisto genetics
I don't normally advise early harvest but I think I would at least remove the dead fans and decide from there ... did you use calmag ? too late now but I give my girls cal mag starting at day 10 ...
Can't say Calmag would have made a difference but my early grows looked a lot like yours until I started using Calmag early and often ... The good news is you can still smoke it, vape it or eat it ...

I think I'm gonna keep flushing it since it's only been a couple days and harvest it by friday
Those buds look like they can fatten up. Most of the pistils still look white. Have a scope to check trichomes?
Those buds look like they can fatten up. Most of the pistils still look white. Have a scope to check trichomes?

Yeah most of the trichomes look cloudy or clear but im worried if they will ever change with all the leaves dying
Just pluck those leaves off and save then for whatever you want to do with the trim.

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Presuming the yellowing leaves are having their juices/nutrients sucked from them, wouldn't it be best to not remove them (other than where blocking light for buds or green leaves)?