Old Reviews Self-Watering Organic Container


Jun 18, 2011
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I found this online what do you guys think of this, also is it worth it? Would it be good for an outdoor photo/auto grow?
Would it better if you were to use your own soil instead of the compost?
Any thoughts?

Self-watering organic container gardens great for urbanites with very little outdoor space but still wants to grow their own local, organic food!
All set up all you need are a couple plants!

Conatiner is 21"x16"x12" (L W H)

++ Contains only organic matter (no pesticides, fertilizers)

1 container = an entire herb garden, or a 2 smaller plants and 2 larger plants
(smaller = ie. herbs, strawberries, or a bunch of radishes beets lettuce or spinach)
(larger = tomato, eggplant, broccoli, squashes, watermelon, corn, celery, red orange or green peppers, kale, swiss chard)

1 / $25
2/ $45
5 / $100

I think you could build a better self watering container for way, way cheaper. I also wouldn't trust someone who shoveled dirt from the garden into one of those instead of potting soil. I made a bunch of self watering containers at my place the past few years and have been testing them out on tomatoes and other plants. I'm honestly disappointed with their performance and problem prone nature. Last year I did a bunch of ones made from pairs of five gallon food safe buckets. They did great for a while but once the roots exploded into the rez the problems started. The large plants would suck the water out in no time and keep drying up. If it wasn't dry then it was hot and slimy down there. I'm going to run a comparison run this year with a 20 gallon smart pot, but I'm ready to only use these things for peppers and basil. If you do build a SWC make sure to use a food safe plastic container and use bamboo instead of a pvc pipe. Non food safe plastices leach PCBs into your grow. You can hollow out the bamboo with a two foot piece of rebar by sticking one end in a fire and getting it super hot. Poke it down the bamboo tube and burn out the cross sections.
Sure thing, besides pot I'm an organic gardener and that lets me try out lots of fun stuff :smoke: There's a thread on here in the DIY section about self watering containers. If you want food safe five or six gallon buckets to make them out of try looking around the dumpsters behind restaurants. There's lots of pickle and sauerkraut buckets back there to use.
thanks again!
Mr. piggy another question for you. When it comes to pots
Lets say you had 2 5 gallon pots
one was wide the other one was deep
which one would be better?
just a suggestion....a good self watering pot to use that i have tried is the eco pot. i was not sure about it at first but it is really easy to use and pretty cheap