Indoor Self watering idea!! Will it work?

  • Thread starter Thread starter thecreatorst
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Hello autofower network,
i was sitting thinking about my next grow and because of some space issiues i have i thought of making a micro grow. Then i had an idea about watering all the little pots i will have. What if i take all the pots and cut a hole (or several if needed) on their sides but close to the bottom, then take a tray and fill it with water and nutrients and then put the pots with the holes in there. Will the plants be able to drain enough water? Will it harm the plant or the soil?
Any feedback is appreciated, thank you very much in advance
Sounds good in theory but you might get root rot if you do this because the soil would always be moist. I have heard its actually good to let your soil dry out a bit so the roots grow better cause they stretch trying to find water.
yeh i agree you run the risk of root rot and your soil wont be able to breath properly mate you could try it if you realy want to:peace: Si
Letting the soil dry out will also draw oxygen in around the root zone.
That's called bottom feeding and it can be an effective way to water but you can't leave the pots just sit in the water or you will have root issues as others have already mentioned. I sometimes do this but remove the tray and excess water after the plants have had enough time to soak it up. Then I let them go almost completely dry before doing another bottom feed.
Like muddy said, do a flood and drain.Bottom feeding can cause salt to build up over time, so be sure to water from the top ever so often, so to wash the salt out. Also watch out for a problem we called wet feet, basicly a lack of ox. for the roots.
Good point I forgot to mention. Thanks!

Like muddy said, do a flood and drain.Bottom feeding can cause salt to build up over time, so be sure to water from the top ever so often, so to wash the salt out. Also watch out for a problem we called wet feet, basicly a lack of ox. for the roots.
Thank you all for your help. Your feedback is very helpful and thanks to you i will not destroy my plants when the time comes :P. I will just water them like normal for the time being :)
You would be advised not to do anything like that. Cannabis does not like to be kept in a saturated condition if your growing in soil. Let it dry out some between waterings.

The fastest way to kill Cannabis is over watering and over nuteing. If your growing in soil its just part of the job to water. Towards the end youll be watering almost everyday. I got 7 plants going and everyday Im watering some of them in the bathtub.