OLD REVIEWS Seedsman Auto Kush

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the third of my auto reports, if you're reading through them then this is "someone else's drama and heartbreak #3". i know issues with the grow/grower get in the way of a good report. it was a sucky grow, but there's not a lot of information on this stock around.

what happened here... my 2nd auto grow (1st was finishing up) and 3rd in a new, nonideal venue. i have a small, stealth microcab which is poorly ventilated and cooled. when my housemate is away, i can shuttle the plants outside for some good arizona sunlight and fresh air, but the hours on that vary, which results in irregular lighting.

fungus gnats
the main bugbear was fungus gnats. i'd been using several pissass methods of coping with them, and finally found a clincher 2/3 through this grow.

as a side for searching, here's how i deal with fungus gnats:

i was using BTI prepped in the water, vinegar traps, stringent media dehydration, and manual removal, which reduced the population but they are still laughing. the key to killing the little fucks is agricultural silicate.

around here they are a plague. they are repopulated via the sewer and home in on anything with moisture because of the aridity.

seedlings are started with the container inside a box with netting over the top. true (ceylon) cinnamon is sprinkled on the bottom of the box (not on the media, it's a root retardant). they stay in there for as long as possible.

a seedling without this protection is a dead seedling around here, guaranteed. i've lost a lot of really nice seeds thanks to those shits.

the agsil is ph balanced with citric acid. understandably, i try to avoid using this in the first week or so.

sooooooo.... seedsman auto kush's story is that she got a slow start. at the time the only precaution i had to keep a seedling alive was to grow her in a sealed transparent container with loads of pinholes. this results in a stunted plant. did i mention i hate fungus gnats?

thereafter her growth was minimal because she was still getting her roots chewed to shit. i transplanted her at about 4-5 weeks, she was as big as a tootsie pop. i didn't see roots longer than about a golfball diameter.

when the agsil showed up she was probably in a week or two of flowering, and she grew roots (about 8") thereafter but didn't grow vegetatively.

the end result looked like a chicken's egg balanced on a q-tip. note that my finger is touching the side of the container (a 2-liter soda bottle, and no, i don't drink soda).


the egg. a symbol of life.

well. auto kush yielded enough bud for me to pretend to be high for about three weeks. have to wait for my new babies to smoke some more. i'm a foriegner here and that breeds distrust.

so i've got sod all to say about SAK growth habit. the bud you can see was extremely dense.

lovely smoke.. i guess there must have been some kush genetics in the weed around here in the 80's and 90's because that's what the flavour said. plant was too small to have much vegetative odor, though there is some.

there's so little bud that i don't get to check out the 'ceiling', one subsists on sips of smoke. to me, very average taste.. not bad or lacking in any way, just straight up weed. the high is satisfying and potent. you can pop a few calyxes in a bowl and feel it for a few hours just fine.

the other auto strains i have are very up, both allegedly sativa. comparatively, the auto kush seems a little more glue in the head, or not as clear. could be the circumstances.

what is revealing is that while i am breeding and maintaining the angel/hobbit strain as a good all-rounder, i did buy more auto kush seeds. i like a mix, and she's not the opposite extreme of couchlock, but the nostalgic flavour said "keep me".

god, after all that, i could have just said "my grow suked, it's weed, decent and all, smoke it".

SeedBank & Strain:
Seedsman Auto Kush (feminised auto, freebie from everyonedoesit)

Did it autoflower?:
it is, i saw it with my own eyes

fox farm ocean forest with perlite amendment

worm castings, bat guano, FF big bloom, mycorrhizae, GH floranektar (free sample)

Light (kind and schedule):
sunlight and ~125w CFLs (various red, blue, uv-b)

From seed to harvest date:
12 weeks (slow growth conditions at first)

Dry Yeid: (| maybe 1 |)g

High/Effect Duration an hour or two, it's strong, everything i've had lately is strong

Bag Appeal: i'd be so happy to have as much as a bag

THE GROWth: no clue

THE SMELL: median veg odor, nice antiseptic med smell

THE SMOKE: 5 (*****)
seems real average.. not thick

THE HiGH: 5 (*****)
i seem to have been getting great stuff from the seedbanks lately.. not a grail but just fine.. who could complain i'm stoned