New Grower Seeds of Life - Hindiana & Nordika

Captain Howdy

A Lost Soul
Apr 20, 2013
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And so, I've finally pulled my finger out my cat-flap and ordered some magic beans.

This isn't my first grow, I've helped many others set-up grows and have spent years absorbing methods and madness relating to becoming a gardener of my own but I'm still learning more and more each day.

I'm an organic soil farmer.... well, not quite a farmer lol, but you know what I mean, so I won't be using any chemicals at all. My last two experimental grows have been grown on pure H20, woodash and fish bone and blood.
I have considered using chemicals to see the difference but for know I've got my hands full just holding on the the ropes.

I'm hoping to source some bat guano related products but so far I've been unable to find anything locally so I think I will have to order from the internet so if anyone has input on products to look out for then please do drop me a post.

I shall be buying two seeds every two weeks to add to the indoor garden and also some for an outdoor grow now the suns showing its face here in the UK, still got another month on that tho.

The first two seeds I have ordered are Hindiana and Nordika from Seeds of Life with Herbie's throwing in a free La Frutta Di Venus Auto from Delicious seeds. (The next two will be Critical Jack and BioDiesel Mass just in case anyone wanted to holler about them)

I ordered them about 15 minutes ago so give it a chance to arrive and I'll update in due course.

Peace out everyone

Buy the ticket, take the ride :howdy:


The Hindiana Genetics (F1) of April '12, is an Original
100% Autoflowering Feminised Giant.
Result of crossbreeding and selections of lines indica dominant, of our Big Low with Hindu Kush, a pure indica, evolving with the epigenetic theory. A project to stabilize the indica line of the Big Low and at the same time to obtain an Hindu Kush of the highest quality, that in Automatic version can flourish also outdoors above the 42 ° N. With good conditions of the environment , is like a normal strain, but ready in less than two months. Hindiana is stable, very resinous, with strong odor, powerful and between the most productive in a short period of time. Medical.

Hindiana appears mainly with Indica phenotypes with a height of 1,20m.
With 18-20 hours of light per day plants will begin to flower in 21 days approximately and will be ready for harvest in 55 days after germination, taking a few more days if grown outdoors depending on the number of hours of available daylight. Multiple harvests per season are possible.
Strong structure, branched with compact buds, copious resin and with a strong characteristic smell.

Hindiana has been presented during the GROWMED '12.

Auto Flowering Cannabis Seeds Of Life Hindiana Autoflowering Feminised Cannabis Seeds

Indoors/Outdoors: Both.
Type: Big Low x Hindu Kush Original.
Genetics: Indica/Sativa 80/20.
Flowering: Explosive, Auto from the 21°day.
THC: 18-20% (no tested)
Height: 11,50m Outdoors ; 1,20m Indoors.
Harvest: Indoors, 50 days from seed, more than 15.9/19.4 oz.xSq.m. (450/550 gr.xm2) ;
Outdoors, 60 days from seed, more than 2.1/3.5 oz. x Plant (60/100 gr) .
Final Pots: 11 Litri.


The Nordika genetics (F1) of May '12, is an Original 100% Autoflowering Feminised Giant.
Result of crossbreeding and selections of lines Sativa dominant of our Kabala with a Phenomenal Sativa stabilized in Northern Europe, evolving with Epigenetic Theory.
A project to stabilize the Sativa line of Kabala and to obtain simultaneously a Sativa Automatic for high quality and highly productive. It is as a variety normal but ready in little more than two months. Nordika is stable, with very strong smell that enchants. Medical.

Phenotypes mainly Sativa with a height from 1.3 metres to 1.7 metres
With 18-20 hours light per day will begin to flower around the 21st day, being ready to harvest 70 days after germination. Outdoors they will need a few more days, depending on the number of hours of available daylight. Multiple harvests per season are possible due its rapid and vigorous life cycle. Structure is very strong, big buds and an abundant harvest in a short time for a variety which is mainly Sativa.

Nordika has been presented during the ExpocannabisSur '12.

Auto Flowering Cannabis Seeds Of Life Nordika Autoflowering Feminised Cannabis Seeds

Indoors/Outdoors: Both.
Type: Kabala(BigLow/AK47) x Sativa stabilized in Northern Europe.
Genetics: Sativa/Indica 80/20.
Flowering: Esplosiva, Explosive, Auto from the 21°day.
THC: 18% (no tested)
Height: 1,70m Outdoors ; 1,30m Indoors.
Harvest: Indoors 65 days from seed, more than 16.7/20.2 oz.xSq.m. (475/575gr x m2) ;
Outdoors 75 days from seed, more than 2.5/3.5 oz.x Plant (70/100gr.)
Final Pots: 11 Litri.

La Frutta Di Venus Auto

Auto Flowering Delicious La Frutta Di Venus Autoflowering Feminised Seeds

This automatic plant with Ruderalis genetics has been seasoned with the sensational genes of Great White Shark that we’ve been keeping in reserve in our seed cellars.
This strain offers great yields for an autoflowerer as well as the strength and taste that typify the White and Skunky family.
Its super fast growth and bumper yields will amaze you.

Auto Flowering Delicious La Frutta Di Venus Autoflowering Feminised Cannabis Seeds

Genotype:Rudelaris/Great White SharkTHC:19-20%Production:400-450 gr/m indoor,25-60 gr/plant outdoorHarvest Time:55-65 days after flowering
sounds great brother.I got the same ones too man,and grew out some myself.I was curious since you seemm to have your intel down on the Seeds of life.can you lend any more knowledge of the Epigenetics that they are supposed to be thee first to incorp this way of breeding.
epigenetics is far from new I did this 8 years ago just as a personal experiment.

the epigenetic theory is that genes and their development are affected by their environment and the developed genes are passed on in their mature form.

my experiment was growing a strain I had developed with two sets of environmental factors.
as all good scientists do I kept all conditions the same apart from one - the medium in my case

my control was growing seed out in the usual manner with a soil ph of around 6.5, my experiment was growing seed from the same batch in standard garden centre compost the ph was about 7.2
after a couple of generations I had a strain that was very tolerant to ph fluctuations and is damn near impossible to get nutrient lock out with.

in some of my following grows I grew this hardy strain alongside some bought seeds and where all the commercially bought seeds developed iron lockout the hardy stain suffered no ill effects and continued to maturity when its roommates all died or suffered severely.

In my opinion epigenetics is just a valid way to genetically modify strains to gain the traits we want. the main issue with it is that it lacks the speed of introducing new genes to the strain to modify the strain(crossing)
Great reponse Seraph, thats helped me a lot because my answer to The Dude (my 2nd favourite movie of all time btw) would have been very vague. All info on original post was copied from the Herbies Autoflowering webpage, probably shoulda quoted that underneath.

I had all intentions of getting a Northern Lights in the collection to insure a decent harvest but the experimental value of these was too good to turn down, not forgetting the nearly free price tag of £4.95 per seed. Should be fun anyways and I couldn't find a grow guide so it's about time one was started.
And the seeds have arrived..... Game on.

So, 24 hours after Herbie's received my order the seeds have arrived at my front door.

As you'll see in the pictures they had been delivered well protected and thanks to this have suffered no casualties.

So, now that they're here lets get this show on the road.
I'm in the process of mixing my soil to give it a few days to settle itself down.
So far in my stocks I have woodash from my fire,
also ash from potato and apple peels,
Fish bone and blood mix,
Dried chicken eggs from the hens in my garden,
Worm casings also from my gardens worm house,
Dried chicken poop & hen feathers,
Raspberry leaves & apple tree leaves,
Left over water from my last hash making session (frozen in the freezer)

Not all of these will be used from the beginning and I'm sure to pick up new goodies along the way but just thought I'd list my organic box of treasures.
If anyone has any guidance relating to anything on here please do holler in this direction, I'm still learning on the grow so any help will be massively appreciated.

Anyways, my internets down for the weekend so I'm gonna get these babies in to soak over-night, then transfer to a paper towel and wait for the magic to happen.

Have a good weekend folks and I'll update as soon as I'm back online





Nordika is at the top, Hindiana on the right and La frutta di venus on the left
Just a quick update before I go dark.

The plants will be started under 30w (actual watt) cfl's and from when they show signs of wanting to move to a sunnier spot they shall be going under a Dual 125w 6u Hydroponics Eco Grow Light. I've just found one on Amazon and it's sounds just right for Grow Room #1 - Seeds Of Life.

More rooms and gardens shall follow soon.

Anywho, have a good weekend folks.

We have life!!

These seeds are growing rather rapidly, not that I'm complaining but they move a lot faster than my previous grows.
Within four days they have been germinated, sprouted through the soil and have started to straighten out. It's all gravy from here on in :dance2:

The soils PH currently sits at 6.5 which is fine with me for now. In the next few days they shall be transplanted into 10 litre pots ready to take this journey to the end.

Here's pictures from today, which is day two above soil.

Hindiana Day 2.jpg

Nordika Day 2.jpg

La Frutta Di Venus
La Frutta Di Venus Day 2.jpg

I am about to start another indoor grow and a couple of outdoor plots but I will be posting these in a different diary.
Great things are on their way :booya:

Day Four In The Sun

Due to an unexpected heatwave here in the UK, at midday the reading was 30ish*C (80ish*F), I have decided to let my girls roam in the garden during the day, soak up that sun while they can, it never stays round here for long.

I'm not gonna be updating every couple of days as I am now but they are starting to take off now after being transplanted into their 10L pots so I thought I would share a couple of pictures from a little earlier this afternoon.

You stay classy Planet Earth

Hindiana Day 4.jpg

Nordika Day 4.jpg

La Frutta Di Venus
La Frutta Di Venus Day 4.jpg
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I just finished a Big low from Seeds of life. Still Curing in jars.
Nice to see some other strains from that seed Company.
Good luck with your babies. Hope they get big and frosty.