Seedlings leaves have drooped and wont come back - timelapse showing this. Any input welcome

Mar 22, 2020
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I misted the first 3 days after sprout and bottom fed on the fourth day when they were getting dry. The leaves started to droop which I thought was fine because they were wet and they'd perk back up but they never did. They just dried out over the next 2 days and I bottom fed again and then they really started to look like shit. I went back and double checked everything and the only problem I can think of is the temperature of the water I used. I think it was around 78F. I cooled my water for the third watering and yesterday bottom fed them with some water in the mid 60s F. They are looking awful, and they are now on day 8 and I'm about ready to scrap them and start over. I would have done that by now but they are standing up on their own and I can see a bit of roots out the bottom of each and the color of the leaves are fine so I feel like this can be corrected...but I also know every day counts when it comes to autos. Any help is very much appreciated.

timelapse of my ugly little girls

Biobizz light mix
RO water
1000W Crecer PanthrX LED 36" above tops of plants
AC is set to 75F
Temp of soil and plants is around 80F and the humidity is 30-40%. I know humidity should be higher but I also know it is not causing these problems so I'm not worried about that at the moment.

If they get more sick every time you feed them, stop feeding them.

Could you tell us what you are feeding them and how much?

What is your PH?
I was watering from below with RO water, I checked the ph going in and it was between 6-6.5. I filled the tray with an inch of water and let it soak for 15 minutes. I did this on the fourth day. I watered again on the 6th day. I thought the plants were droopy because the water was too warm so I chilled the water to mid 60s and bottom fed for 15 minutes on the 8th day. Nothing changed so two days later (yesterday) I flushed 1 cup of water per seedling to try and push out any warm or fucked up ph water. The runoff was 6.0.

Its been almost 24 hours and a few are looking better. I didnt cut large enough holes in the cups and I didnt wet the soil thoroughly enough in the first place so I ended up watering too early. I think I might be dealing with a bit of root rot but I'll be transplanting in a few days.