
Ive used a few dc seed exchange is good. Ive used Ilgm there ok. Seed Supreme there good dont send in breeder pack. I herd old sage seeds is good. Im going to use them next. And done midwest seed bank. There good. And pacific seed bank. Dont use them again dont use them. If you look online. Ilgm will be top. Im not fond of them. go for mephisto there the best in the auto game.
I have used quite a few and had positive experiences with DC Seed Ex. and Oregon Elite Seeds - not to say there are not others. However now I generally only buy through Hembra Genetics due to the breeders they carry and exceptional cs. IMHO, YMMV, etc.
Although not a forum member, I have bought most of my seeds from The Seed Fair. Generic ziplock packaging.

I have also used Seed Supreme, and Growers Choice
Old Sage Seeds is a vendor here and I can vouch for his service and pricing. I like to order direct from Mephisto as I love the stuff and with the freebies they give you it works out to be one of the best deals out there, if not the best. If you want to get started with seeds that aren't so expensive, but are reliable, I recommend New420guy, good service and decent prices, at least last time I purchased. That's how I started - with his seeds.

Hembra is on my list for next time I want to pick up some Night Owl.
There is a bunch I havent herd of from you guys. Im going to have to check them out. I wish I could order from seed cellar. But they only send to a states that are not in prohibition land. :sadcry::sadcry::sadcry: