New Grower seed to soil too stem amount of time?

Sep 19, 2016
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I wet napkin seed then small root popped so I put it in grow media litely covered about half inch of media covered. I keep wetting the spot and cover with dome also wetted. and under lights 24/7.
been three days nothing sprouting up yet.
how long do I wait?
any actions I can take to help or figure out if there junk?
thanks for helping.
I've had some take 5-6 days before. Keep patient. You may have planted deeper than you think, easily done. Do you see any kind of upheaving of the medium at the spot you planted the seed? How long was the little root sticking out of the seed? If it gets too long, it can be easily damaged during the transfer between paper towel and medium. I've lost more than one to this, best to plant into medium when you can just detect the tip beginning to stick out.
I was thinking someone might say stop watering. ill try that.
one seed was just alittle popped and the other was maybe 1/8".
I didn't want to damage them so I didn't handle them,i just dropped into coco loco from paper towl. gravity should steer the root.
ill try uncovering them and stop watering. the coco loco has been kept wet so far.
I wet napkinned the seeds but had to leave them in the wet napkin for 8-9 days because I was waiting on grow supplys. those seeds failed when planted.
I wet napkin two more seeds they sprouted in three days and I planted as soon as they sprouted and they are growing instantly.
so I guess you cant leave the seeds alone once they sprout they need planted. so make sure your grow set up is ready for planting.
that's what I learned.