New Grower Scrubber and Fan for 3' x 3' x 2' Growbox Recommendations


Apprentice Autowarrior
Oct 12, 2016
Reaction score
Hey all,

I've searched high and low but can't find what I'm looking for. Chances are, it's hiding in plain sight. If so, my most abject apologies. :biggrin:

And hopefully, this is the right place to ask this...

I'm building a 3' x 2' x 3' growbox. I want to include a filter and fan but I don't need (or want) the elaborate inline system with the huge filter and duct designed for much larger spaces. I don't really want to do a DIY because I'm trying to make the box as aesthetically pleasing as possible.

What I'd really like is a carbon filter attached to a fan and I'd prefer the filter be inside the growbox.

I'd appreciate any input from those of you who've done this sort of thing before. Specifically, where to buy a filter / fan that meets my needs. Any other general odor elimination advice will also be much appreciated.

Edited: Still figuring things out. :biggrin:


Growbox frame. 80% complete

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I would go for a 6" carbon filter and fan. Though 4" would work, you wouldn't have any wiggle room. I like to have some wiggle room. When I had my fan and filter inside the tent, I hung them with bungee cords. I've had my fan and filter outside the tent for quite a while now and as long as I crack a window, all is well. I also use the door too. I use Phresh filters and Vortex fans. Amazon or like website will have what you need.
Thanks Wonders.

Couple of questions, if you don't mind. Bear in mind that I'm a total newbie and as such, I'm pretty sure I'm going to ask some pretty dumbass questions. :biggrin:

I looked at the phresh filters on Amazon and they're huge. I wouldn't want to put them inside my box because they'll take way too much space. Are these the type of filters that require ducting? Or can you attach them to the fan directly outside the box?

Are there smaller filters? I could always use multiple filters but I wouldn't want the filter longer than about 6" if I put it/them inside the box.

With your dimensions, I can only envision the filter/fan situation outside your box, or on top of box.