Scratching my head on this one..

Jan 25, 2017
Reaction score
This is Northern Lights auto by Vision seeds.
The two plants are the same age, 35 days , at left is a Double Grape, Right is the NL
Everything is the same. soil, Nutes. PH, Lights etc. EXCEPT grow container...this is iin a 3gal smart pot

At first the I noticed plant was very slow at growing, and still is. It is just now showing preflower/pistils. The leaves do not get very big (pic ref) . The leaves are very papery, Brittle.
Also notice what appeared to be a cal-mag def. early on, although I use cal-mag . so I increased slightly, did not want to make it to harsh. but still shows signs . As of late I have tried upping no avail. Of course now Iam showing signs of Nute burn due to increased nutes trying to resolve problem. All I have found on the Inter-webs about Wrinkled leaf syndrome is that plant has a problem at the cellular level, which causes it to not be able to utilize nutrients, or grow vigorously Yield is very poor etc. View attachment 845659 View attachment 845660 View attachment 845661 View attachment 845662
The ridging you are getting looks like it could be a magnesium deficiency happening and the plant on the right has gone into lock out. Try supplementing the feed on a mid range plant with some epsom salts. If it responds positively, dose the rest.
The other possibility is the soil PH is out of wack. You need to know whether it is high or low before flush so you can buffer the flush water for the direction you need to go. Being autos you don't want to overflush/ overwater.
The ridging you are getting looks like it could be a magnesium deficiency happening and the plant on the right has gone into lock out. Try supplementing the feed on a mid range plant with some epsom salts. If it responds positively, dose the rest.
The other possibility is the soil PH is out of wack. You need to know whether it is high or low before flush so you can buffer the flush water for the direction you need to go. Being autos you don't want to overflush/ overwater.

will give that a go tomorrow after work....thanks..
:toke: Pad', sorry for the delay,.. sometimes I don't get the tag alerts :shrug:...been busy elsewhere too,....

...She looks weird over all mate,... Vision is something of a dice roll for quality too,.... that said, you know different strain, even pheno's can have variable tolerances and preferences,... that said, the surface texture of leaves, the top to bottom issues being similar, new growth looks bad, and none of it fits well with any one defc.,.... best fit is K defc, with the teeth tips going brown, but I've never seen it manifest top top to bottom, and kinda mildly so.... she might be a lousy plant is all, but get me that patient form filled out; pH should be checked, in-pot,.... it's in the highlighted section above this one, just c/p it here and fill in,... lousy or not, she's still worth trying to get across the finish line!
@Waira and others that helped. I think we got it. After soaking her in 6.0 water and flushing her, she's making a come back. Leaves are not "crispy" or curling or stunted. Seeing some nice growth response and bud sites look healthier not perfect but healthier. After her soak and dry, I looked over my nutes. I was using bontanicare cal-mag on this girl..only had maybe 60ml left in bottle..experation date Dec also noticed a lot of separation when poured out into clear container. guys were spot on. For experiment I tested some mix .I don't know why but when I tested PH with just this calmag and water , I adjusted to 6.0 let it set for about an hour, tested at 6.6 so, I really feel it was just bad additive? Could be wrong. Anyways,She might not pull record breaking harvest, but going to let her go for learning experience for me. Thanks again everyone! Sorry for shitty camera is junk
yeah, for sure bottom of the barrel stuff can get funky, especially over time with organic. natural ingredients,... O2, microbial activity, heat, all take a toll,...
Pad', using the straight mix/supp's for testing isn't a good measure, there's too many other influencing factors goin on inside that pot, plkus all that's gone in and out of it,... at least you confirmed the medium is OK! but if that was bad, it'd have shown early on,... in-pot pH is king mate, tells us the next step fork in the road-- fed more, or correct pot pH first,....
yeah, for sure bottom of the barrel stuff can get funky, especially over time with organic. natural ingredients,... O2, microbial activity, heat, all take a toll,...
Pad', using the straight mix/supp's for testing isn't a good measure, there's too many other influencing factors goin on inside that pot, plkus all that's gone in and out of it,... at least you confirmed the medium is OK! but if that was bad, it'd have shown early on,... in-pot pH is king mate, tells us the next step fork in the road-- fed more, or correct pot pH first,....

I really think shes on the right track..shes growing like mad now, actually impressed at her turn around. I left her untouched and let her catch up, I have a new bottle of Ca-mag and iam not seeing and issues on new leaf growth. I did do a hard defoliation today and LST, like I said..shes sprinting now! Thanks again! She just might make something of herself.
:d5: aaaaahhh yeah,.... :pimp:.... nice catch and fix Pad'! :slap: