Old Reviews Safe Pest Control Repellent Spray Recipe AFN

Jan 30, 2017
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Hello ! Here is a Safe pest control spray recipe that works to a good effect :

Ingredients :

400ml of warm water

2-3ml of pure neem oil stirred into the warm water :

add 6 - 8 drops of rosemary pure essential oil to the 400ml jug and stir :

add 6- 8 drops of peppermint pure essential oil and stir again :

And there you have it !

these ingredients can be purchased on ebay cheaply and will make a lot of spray ! enjoy
One funny thing: my growshop's sell 100ml neem oil for 18-22€. On ebay or in our healthy stories you can get 100-200ml organic neem oil for 5€.
that's some price difference hey konopch ! I see that type of thing alot in marketing where the same ingredient is classed as less usefull and price is cheaper ! this certainly works this recipe ! am not to sure what other concoctions are used in marketed neem spray brands as ive never bought them with the nice vast info on the net .
I've been using something similar with the addition of lemongrass oil, and geranium oil. Then I use a lil Dr bronners unscented baby soap to emulsify bit all. Smells great works awesome. I got the basic recipe from another guy who tried to make homemade liquid lady bug based upon the msds. Smells good, I've used it from seedlings to full on flower no adverse effects or flavor noticed [emoji3]

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Good one nastyn8t ! :thumbsup: I have just looked up the ingredients you mentioned ! I see that they're also essential oils like the peppermint & rosemary are :cool1:!
your right , so these safe pest control recipes are similar in : e.g : : 2 essentials oils and a neem oil mix !
I do as you do and add a drop of polysorbate 20 to get the oils mixed a little better with the water .

I love when you can see past the salesman and get straight to the point and save money and pass on the information for the help and save time so we can all move along to the next learning chapter ! :thumbsup:
I make a gallon at a time for a few bucks instead of $80, lol
Lately I've been using the fungicide organic for the neem , a splash of a geraniol, lemongrass oil, rosemary oil and a liberal amount of the peppermint oil. I can feel the tingling from the peppermint when it gets on my skin and have used a digital scope to find dead mites!!!!!! Cheap , organic, safe !!!!!!

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I love my concoction.. it works well for the last 7 days.. now i am giving it a break only see 1 gnat flying around.
.it i better then the ten i saw last week

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cheers goodgrace87 ! would you like to put your recipe here , if so by all means ! the more the better
Natural spider mite spray recipe
1ml lemon eucalyptus
1ml peppermint oil
1ml sweet orange oil
1ml sandalwood oil
1ml rosemary oil

1 teaspoon of dishwashing soap

5 ml of olive oil

I gallon of water
*2 tablespoon of neem optional if you are using the whole bottle then in one single use or within the day.. if not do not add!!! Spray daily twice a day after week 3 weeks of vegs.... use up until you enter full flowering.. it smells amazing

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hi i was wondering how safe the soap is used in this recipe ?? its an ingredient im not confident on
anyways thanx for this recipe gg87 i have converted it into 1 litre worth batch or 5th of a gallon approx if makes easyer :

1 Litre of water

4 drops lemon eucalyptus
4 drops peppermint oil
4 drops sweet orange oil
4 drops sandalwood oil
4 drops rosemary oil

1ml dishwashing soap

1ml olive oil

6ml neem oil

the end !