Rust spots taking over - pics included

Jun 7, 2016
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Hi peeps

hope everyone is doing well.
I’ve ran into a few problems this time around. Only going to show One sick plant that I can’t seem to diagnose.
Rust spots on mainly the top half of the plant that get larger and eventually kill the leaf off. The spots can start tiny and just grow.
Dinafem sour diesel Auto
2x 600 watt hps
Grown in bio bizz light mix soil.
biobizz bloom, fish mix and root juice.
currently feeding 1ml a litre of bloom and 0.5-1ml of fish mix and 1ml litre of root juice.
PH is between 6.3 - 6.8
temp is between 20c- 27c
Rh is around 45
Watering every 3 days or when pots are light.
my water ppm is around 250 with nutes it goes up too 500- 600.
Sorry for hps on the whole plant.
pic of leaf at a later stage without hps.

Any help is much appreciated. I have a few more sick plants that I may need a hand with and will post later. But this one is my main concern as the others are a lot f


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Hi peeps

hope everyone is doing well.
I’ve ran into a few problems this time around. Only going to show One sick plant that I can’t seem to diagnose.
Rust spots on mainly the top half of the plant that get larger and eventually kill the leaf off. The spots can start tiny and just grow.
Dinafem sour diesel Auto
2x 600 watt hps
Grown in bio bizz light mix soil.
biobizz bloom, fish mix and root juice.
currently feeding 1ml a litre of bloom and 0.5-1ml of fish mix and 1ml litre of root juice.
PH is between 6.3 - 6.8
temp is between 20c- 27c
Rh is around 45
Watering every 3 days or when pots are light.
my water ppm is around 250 with nutes it goes up too 500- 600.
Sorry for hps on the whole plant.
pic of leaf at a later stage without hps.

Any help is much appreciated. I have a few more sick plants that I may need a hand with and will post later. But this one is my main concern as the others are a lot f

This chart says to only feed root juice for the first week. Those plants look 5 or 6 weeks along. Someone smarter than me will show up, but I have had similar issues and it was magnesium deficiency.
@mlorE Your starting water is very hard and has a lot of Calcium, Mega Crop is high in Calcium and you are adding Calcium. It is most likely way too much. This is causing a lock-out of P and Ca.


Stop the calcium, mix your water with distilled 50/50 and fertigate with 50% strength balanced nutrients to 30% run-off over the next 3 feedings PH to 6.3. Do a single foliar application of Kelp, Fulvic acid and b_vitamins. 5 parts Fulvic Acid to 2 parts kelp, trace amounts of B-vitamins.

To understand what I mean by balanced nutrients read this:

@mlorE Your starting water is very hard and has a lot of Calcium, Mega Crop is high in Calcium and you are adding Calcium. It is most likely way too much. This is causing a lock-out of P and Ca.

View attachment 1299771

Stop the calcium, mix your water with distilled 50/50 and fertigate with 50% strength balanced nutrients to 30% run-off over the next 3 feedings PH to 6.3. Do a single foliar application of Kelp, Fulvic acid and b_vitamins. 5 parts Fulvic Acid to 2 parts kelp, trace amounts of B-vitamins.

To understand what I mean by balanced nutrients read this:

Thanks , all makes sense.
But I’m not using mega crop or adding any calcium?
Thanks , all makes sense.
But I’m not using mega crop or adding any calcium?
Oops got you mixed up with the previous member :crying: :crying: :crying:

You are probably still getting too much calcium and I think you should water, water, feed repeat. Precharged soils are sometimes to high in something from the start. The PH for light mix is 6.3.
Oops got you mixed up with the previous member :crying: :crying: :crying:

You are probably still getting too much calcium and I think you should water, water, feed repeat. Precharged soils are sometimes to high in something from the start. The PH for light mix is 6.3.
That’s all good bro. No worries.
you think it’s high calcium tyen? The ppm of my water was over 700. I live in a hard water area. Got a whole house water filter and got it down to around 250. I thought that was okay?
having a hard time getting distilled water here in the uk can’t mix in with the water
I feed every watering because that’s what biobizz recommend? Although maybe coz of my haRd water situation it’s making Things worse. I have similar problems with every grow, for years and years. yet I can’t figure out why.
Everything is on point other than maybe my hard water.
That’s all good bro. No worries.
you think it’s high calcium tyen? The ppm of my water was over 700. I live in a hard water area. Got a whole house water filter and got it down to around 250. I thought that was okay?
having a hard time getting distilled water here in the uk can’t mix in with the water
I feed every watering because that’s what biobizz recommend? Although maybe coz of my haRd water situation it’s making Things worse. I have similar problems with every grow, for years and years. yet I can’t figure out why.
Everything is on point other than maybe my hard water.
Are you running a water softener? if so you cannot use that water for plants as it will be way too salty!
Are you running a water softener? if so you cannot use that water for plants as it will be way too salty!
Nah, no water softener. Just a carbon filter and another type of fine micron filter.
Nah, no water softener. Just a carbon filter and another type of fine micron filter.
You may actually be concentrating the calcium as carbon or micron filters do not remove minerals. You need to know what is in your water before I can make suggestions and yes 250 PPM starting water is too high.
I'm currently dealing with something very similar. Currently 5 weeks in to a Cheese XXL grow by Dinafem. I'm using HLG Quantum Board LEDs, Pro-mix HP, GH Flora Series nutrients, and 5 gallon fabric pots. RH ~45%, Temp ~ 25c.

The two contending causes I'm considering right now are a calcium toxicity and/or a phosphorous deficiency due to a pH that is too high. My tap water is around 30ppm and has a pH of 8.0. I've been adjusting to around 6.5 with apple cider vinegar, but I'm wondering if I should be using something more suitable to growing cannabis. Today I picked up some RootFarm pH down, which is primarily phosphoric acid. I gave my plants a flush with water in the range of 5.6 - 5.8. I went lower on the scale to potentially counteract what I had believed was a too high pH, and I'm seeing a run-off of 6.4 and a medium pH of around 6.9, for what it's worth. I'll report back on how this goes.

As for my speculation of excess calcium, I was originally under the impression that Pro-Mix was HP was essentially peat moss and perlite, but I've since found out there's a week's worth of starter nutrients in there, along with dolomite lime. When I planted this seed originally, I was unaware of this and started 1/4 strength nutrients immediately, with fresh water in between BUT I did add half-strength Cal-Mag with every watering. I'm wondering if Cal-Mag with every watering + the dolomite lime that was already in there might be the culprit. I've seen pictures of calcium toxicity elsewhere, and it certainly does look like what you and I are experiencing.
