Indoor RRF, 5 gallon rectangular buckets- 2 per container, LED, Tent, Organic

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Due to little bit of nudging and my trying to come up with ways to avoid working today, I'm posting my GJ for these RRFs.

I started them direct in Dr. Earth Planting Soil (readily available at Ace Hardware and made by the guy who taught the Fox Farms dude) without germinating them beforehand. They were seeds from a bushy pheno I pollinated from another grow. 3 out of 4 made it to seedlinghood. (I then germed another one so as to save time and start it as close to the others as possible and now I'm back to 4 babies.)

They started popping out of the soil 3 days later. 1 born each day.

All of them had the shells still attached, so I waited 24 hours and helped them out by removing the shells as gently as possible. I damaged the cotyledon and first leaf of one of them because I was high and being stupid when I "helped" that one, but it has recovered well. A little tiny bit behind, but not by much. (see pic of damage)

I just got my grow tent a few days ago and I started them out in the open closet space until I received my grow room and set it up (gotham, ebay). I had a big gnat infestation from some fruit I had in the house that went bad, so I doused 'em with diatomaceous earth and mixed it into the dry top layer of the soil which I did not like to do because I just hate to kill anything, bug or not, so I'm trying not to think of their little lost lives. The D.E. held them at bay and then I repotted careful to not disturb the little roots and happy they still had little roots instead of big ones since I had to mess with them. It has been 2 days with no sign of any gnats. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping they are history.

So, I have 4 seedlings aged from 6 days to 2 days. They look like seedlings, lol. Not much excitement yet.

Oh, but here is something different- I'm using the Tidy Cats jumbo cat litter buckets. They are 5.3 gallons each, very tall and rectangular so they fit nicely side by side in the grow tent. I am growing 2 per bucket. I know this causes some issues with nutrient feeding and male/females, but whatever, lol. It's my fun little experiment. I'll chop the males. Though I do plan on pollinating a bushy pheno if I get more than one. I have some pollen collected from a previous grow.

They are in a 2ftx3ft tent with a Blackstar "240" watt LED, 4 blue spectrum flouros to fill in just in case this new LED doesn't have enough blue, and a carbon scrubber. I also have a fan in the tent for air movement of the plants and circulation. It's still pretty hot in there- from 84F to 90F. What to do? Another fan inside to circulate air? My air conditioner keeps it about 80 in my house. Oy.

This will be an all organic grow. I'll be using Dr. Earth Bud & Bloom, Dr. Earth Organic 5 (Tomato & Vegetable Fert.) in my water as a compost tea, also some Alaskan Fish Emulsion and later some Molasses. I have had very good success with these in the past and the nearest grow shop is 2 hours away, so I'm fine with this. Happy to have a good option locally :)

Also in the tent are 3 Master Kush my brother gave me I figured I'd grow for their med potential since they don't take too long. I'll veg them while the RRF is going and then I'll switch them to 12/12 to flower after RRF harvest.

All spots are 1. diatomaceous earth residue or 2. dirt.

The pics are my largest seedling, my damaged seedling and my grow space (sorry for the LED color cast) and my teeny tiny Master Kush babies. 2011-08-23 15.51.31.jpg2011-08-23 15.51.05.jpg2011-08-23 15.50.49.jpg2011-08-23 15.48.58.jpg

P.S. If someone could check my pics for metadata, please do and let me know if you see anything. I stripped the metadata, but am nervous about it...:)
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Update on mah babehs :)

It's day 9 for my oldest RRF, Day 4 for the youngest. They were all looking fabulous and sparky...but then something happened, of course. Nothing super bad, but 10 minutes after watering them with diluted ferts at 25% of the normal ratio (Organic 5 fertilizer from Dr. Earth as a compost tea brewed for 24 hours), the leaf tips curled under on most of them. I'm hoping it is just a flukey watering time thing and will go away, but I'll check in on them in the A.M. and see if they correct themselves.

With my last RRF grow, they loved this compost tea very much and so I decided to start it earlier and at a weaker dilution. Hoping I didn't hurt them. We shall find out.

The wonky one I pinched a cotyledon on now has two leaves curving on the edges like a yin yang. It's kinda cute. I'm not concerned because I know it is from the injury I inflicted on it.

The last RRF that I planted has been under LED the whole time and it has absolutely no stretch. The others have a normal amount of due to be being started under flouros, but they are fine. Just surprised how little stretch the LED only one has. Either it's the light, or it's a mutant. I'm hoping it's the light.

My compost tea water ph is perfect in the 7.5 range. However, my soil run off was in the 5.5 range. Is this going to cause issues?

The Master Kush's (photosensitive) look gorgeous.

I included a wider view of my lil grow tent set up.

Here are new pics: 1st- Master Kush babies. 2nd- RRF youngest, 3rd- RRF injured yin yang, 4th- 9 day old RRF, 5th- set-up


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Is this going to cause issues?

It is a bit low for soil. 6/6.3would be a more comfortable number. But they are pretty small to be doing any kind of flush to fix it. You could try watering with a higher number PH. Or just wait it out until they are more established.

They don't seem to be suffering from it though. Yellow seedlings are typically a PH issue, which i don't see.

You can use this site to check your images meta info, before you upload it here.
Awesome site. Thanks. Mine are showing as stripped of all personal info. Cool.

---------- Post added 08-27-2011 at 04:11 AM ----------

I've been adding lemon juice to my water to bring it down from 8.5-9, so maybe I'll not do that next time and then see what the run-off is. Thanks for the tip.
Well, the leaves have straightened back up just a couple of hours later, so I'm thinkin' it was just that they were colder or something (watering them in different room). :jump::toke:
looking good mate - looking forward to watching this one
looking nice bro
I'm so not a dude. I think the "Midnight-Toker" thing confuses people because most people haven't heard the most sexy cover of that song and it's by k.d.lang. *singing and dancin' "Some people call me the space cowboy, yeah. Some call me the ganster of looooove"* That's my song, lol.

---------- Post added 08-28-2011 at 07:36 AM ----------

They grew huge amounts overnight. Happens every time I give any plants that Organic 5 by Dr. Earth.
I'm conducting a little experiment. Every time I feed my plants with compost tea made from Dr. Earth Organic 5, it seems like they grow huge overnight right after they get it. So, I measured tonight and I'll measure them again tomorrow at the same time to see how much they grow overnight before the feeding. Then I will give them the tea and then measure them the following night same time to see 24 hours worth of growth. Maybe I'll do one at 12 hours too just out of curiosity to see the rate. The tallest is just under 3 inches.

---------- Post added 09-02-2011 at 05:06 AM ----------

Oh and the Master Kush already has trichs all over the leaves. Crazy.