Extraction Rosin in my Magical Butter Machine...


Cultivators Club
Dec 22, 2016
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This may be a silly question, but could I just press like a 1oz-1.5oz, decarb that and put that in my mbm with coconut oil? I am not a fan of the sludge that needs to be strained (if you strain it out) and would be a lot less messy process. Seems that it should have the same potency but less plant taste. Also what about reclaim? I scrape my dabber every few dabs to keep it clean and put it into a silicon dab container. Also have a reclaim catcher. It is a mix of all the different stuff, little harsher but still put you in the clouds lol. Can I decarb and use that to? Do I need to decarb reclaim for that matter? I try not to waste anything if its usable. I am guessing you would use the same amount little more as normal cause still just about same overall total thc. Add a little more so you don't need the chips. Seems like more work, but I always make a mess trying to scrape all that shit out hahaha. Let me here your thoughts.
This may be a silly question, but could I just press like a 1oz-1.5oz, decarb that and put that in my mbm with coconut oil? I am not a fan of the sludge that needs to be strained (if you strain it out) and would be a lot less messy process. Seems that it should have the same potency but less plant taste. Also what about reclaim? I scrape my dabber every few dabs to keep it clean and put it into a silicon dab container. Also have a reclaim catcher. It is a mix of all the different stuff, little harsher but still put you in the clouds lol. Can I decarb and use that to? Do I need to decarb reclaim for that matter? I try not to waste anything if its usable. I am guessing you would use the same amount little more as normal cause still just about same overall total thc. Add a little more so you don't need the chips. Seems like more work, but I always make a mess trying to scrape all that shit out hahaha. Let me here your thoughts.

Not a silly question.

Yes you can use oil and rosin in Magical Butter Machine.
Concentrates make wonderful edibles.
You can even do it without Magical Butter Machine.

It's impossible to know the state of decarb of your reclaim, but the best assumption is that it's fully decarbed.
The best thing to do with it is to just bake cookies/brownies with it.
There would be only slight herb taste, but whole herb does bother some peoples' stomachs.

Personally, I wouldn't mix the two things in case the reclaim is sub par.
Not a silly question.

Yes you can use oil and rosin in Magical Butter Machine.
Concentrates make wonderful edibles.
You can even do it without Magical Butter Machine.

It's impossible to know the state of decarb of your reclaim, but the best assumption is that it's fully decarbed.
The best thing to do with it is to just bake cookies/brownies with it.
There would be only slight herb taste, but whole herb does bother some peoples' stomachs.

Personally, I wouldn't mix the two things in case the reclaim is sub par.
I was going to keep just collect the reclaim, some is what's left on dabber so not sure if that's reclaim. When I'm ready to press 1.5 out and make coconut oil was going to add to increase strength. Using mbm is stealthiest way to make oil not legal yet. Want to make gummies with it. I would like to fine tune it so I could eat only a few per serving like 3-5 gummies. Will take some time to figure out how much bud to press to make strong coconut oil, but I got nothing but time and a duffle bag full of sweet stinky weed... lol