Extraction Rosin dark and hard?


Cultivators Club
Feb 27, 2021
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I have a 10ton dab press that I’ve been working on re my technique. I’ve gotten the yield up from early tries as I realized the lower plate needs to be set higher to achieve ~200.

The rosin bubbles out when pressing (3minutes including prewarming bag) and is nice and sticky when I collect it, but after it cools it is dark and HARD. It’s not a blowout. 120u press club bags. I’ve tried storing in fridge and counter and get the same result (glass jars).

Am I doing something wrong? I’ve never seen rosin anywhere but internet photos, so I have no reference other than what I’m creating.

The older the bud the darker the rosin will be. It has to do with the oxidation of the buds. Press at 62% RH on the buds. I use 90 micron bags and press mostly at 99°C/210°F for 3 minutes on the first press with less pressure than the second press. The second press is full pressure and blows the bags out but I get as much as I can out of it. Then the chips are saved for a Long Ethanol soak and process. The results looks like sludge, tastes like shit but will get you so high:cools:. I make it into edibles with a couple of drops of synthetic terpenes for flavor

IMPE the color of the rosin has nothing to do with the quality.

As others have said, try 90 micron bag and lower temps. I only ever press at 88C for 2 mins and my rosin usually comes out sort of honey colour, this will differ from strain to strain. Press the best quality material you can find while it’s fresh and at least 62% and you should get decent results.
If it's so pure why does it stink so much? I had some company over and they were smoking some and the smell was quite repulsive to me.
If it's so pure why does it stink so much? I had some company over and they were smoking some and the smell was quite repulsive to me.
It’s all down to the strain I believe, smelly plant = smelly rosin. Also if you heat it too much it can have a sort of burnt smell which isn’t pleasant.
It’s all down to the strain I believe, smelly plant = smelly rosin. Also if you heat it too much it can have a sort of burnt smell which isn’t pleasant.
Oh ok that's what was probably happening, they hit that glass pretty hard with a torch. To me the smell was so bad it wasn't far off from crack.
Oh ok that's what was probably happening, they hit that glass pretty hard with a torch. To me the smell was so bad it wasn't far off from crack.
Who were these people? Did you know them well? Maybe they were actually smoking crack?lol, yeah I’ve found it’s best to go easy with heat and take a couple of goes at it if necessary. You totally lose all flavour if you combust it and your banger gets all scorched and shifty.