Welcome Tdunn'!
So, Roots Organics Terp Tea line cam recommended to me by a local grow mate as well. I only used the Bloom as a supplementary feed though, so I can't comment on using it for the whole run. I figure it'll be fine if the Bloom was any measure, but since it's an organic line, there are caveats to be sure!
Unlike synthetic nutes, not all the stuff in the TT formulation is immediately available, organic based stuff need time and microbial activity to break them down, convert to available forms.. You need a solid soil herd for that, so inoculants and/or worm poop teas (EWC) are very important IMO...
-- other supp's like Si, humic-fulvic, kelp/micronute supplements (Earth Juice Microblast is my go-to) are great. I think the TT has humic-fulvic in it though, and if you chose Recharge inoculant (well tested and approved by growers here) it covers that, h-f, kelp, even a little powdered molasses as well (carb's are microbe food)... Micronutes are mostly the metals like Fe, Mn, Cu, as well as others; they are mostly immobile nutes too(can't be translocated from older tissues to support new growth), are very reactive so need to be well chelated. That may be lost after time in the soil, so I found regular hits now and again of Microblast heads off that problem well; humic-fulvic are also great chelators... There's some very good info in the Reference section on this, so check it out!
-- feed sched' I can't paint an all purpose picture on, it'll depend on several factors... T's, plant size, 'crobe activity (tied to T's), what medium you use (true soil is best IMO, but soilless will work)... On that soilless is ProMix. Sunshine #4, coco; these have very little ingredients in them, unlike true soil. As such, feeding needs to start right away, and with soil you have a head start in the components, unlike soilless... Organics are for sure far less likely to burn, so there's a plus, but underfeeding is a possibility too of course....
Get a quality soil pH probe for direct, in-pot measurements, forget run-off and all that crap, it's lousy... With organics it's less likely to go off range, but entirely possible... I use the Accurate 8 soil pH probe, it's no marvel of tech, but it fast easy and to date served me well... Blue Labs makes a very nice unit too, working entirely differently though vs. A8.... Don't bother with cheap skinny metal probe brands you see all over, they suck! A8 works on the same principles, but is far better built and more accurate.
- I mixed the TT up with some wetting agent in a bucket and watered in; you can make tea too of course, it's all on the label...
- dosages I followed the label as a guideline, but you have to read the plant too... size and food demand is proportional; frequency, I feed 2-3x/week, less conc. when small/young, most hearty when larger...
So, going with TT line is worth a shot IMO. Get a premium soil, no shitty cheap stuff! What exactly will depend on what you can find, but I'd avoid Fox Farms soils, especially Ocean Forest, a known problem soil for it's poor pH, crappy undercooked materials... Roots Organics original is OK and fairly broadly available,... If you are in CA, look for Sanctuary Soil Empire Builder or Victory Blend...