Jun 5, 2020
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Hy, i just show my Pics,
tell and DM whatever you like

Vietblack in Foreground (were fludded)



Hoabac x Vietblack:


Socalled Vietnamese (they call it, not saying it is, but related):

Yeah, i smoked the realdeal 70s Vietbnamese once. And yes it was the most insane Hallucinogenic Substance ever encountered.

Im hunting it since 4 Years strainght, the Strain that i smoked 20 Years ago.

If someone in this Forum has seen something similar to vietnamese or close to it please help. I sense here are a couple Australians, and i can tell you SEAsians are pretty rare over here in Europe or in US as far as i can see. If there is anything trippy , direction halluciongenic, otherworldly still around, i like to know...

If you wanna just watch or to talk, or whatever just do it, just PM.

(alltho i have a Hoabac x Vietbalck going, i hold every Strain separate for shure)

Romano the Preservationrunner
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Very intersting Romano for sure, , love to grow some landraces - such as Thai Sticks or Laos, Viet and Indo
Season Report

I finally had good Harvest of Vietblack, from a College of the Person who brought the Vb initially into Circulation: This selection has gotten me. Its very strong, remembers me alot of the old Vietnamese i once smoked. Everything can look like Plastic, like cristmas, like in the Jungle on it. This circulating Vb is outcrossed to Chinese Type.. That makes her a bit Cloudmooded at times and racy, rushy too. I mean rush!! So, its good and bad Feel in one.
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Hoabac: Effect: Its not ultra Sativasmoke, not saying it is Hybridized, it has no body either.. It just gives me a overall Paradisean Feel. Round, enchanting Feel.. puts everything in a deep Depth. haha
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Cambodian99 x Vb: Lovely heartwarmth, Saturdaynight Feeling, makes you wanna go for a walk, explore the World like a Child. The Air feels full, Redcolored Things like Carlights look so amplified. Short psychedelic bursts. Next Year i will do the OrangePeakocambodian by Reeferman, wich uses the same Cambodian crossed to HighlandNepalese. Might have bit less body.
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Seedharvest: Had several Problems finishing Seeds this Year. But i have just enough. Next Year will take Precautions.
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Great Review there Ramano :pass: The Cambodian99xVb sounds interesting i assuem the Vietblack x with Chinese type is the reason for the racy rush, but sounds otherwise good. so a pure vietblack has an intresting high. Hoabac also interesting maybe a thinker strain with deep thoughts. I cant see the images Bro, could be AFN still got a few issues also, I got 2 Nimbins young lings, not as fiesty as Dr Grinspoon but i think they start slow then move.
I dont know why it doesent load Pics this Time.. Just have to click them.

Thats good with the Nimbims, cause i did what i promised just in Time:hippy:

Yeah, it is the Chinese that makes the Vietblack pretty rushy. I slightly preffere the Hoabac over it in overall..

I like them all about the same.
I will explore new Strains in future, hopefully i find the pure Viet, wich is ultrapotent AND kind. yes you got it; Rushy is not perfectly what i search and remember... Old Viet instead is rather a Flash i would say, but very deep Flash.
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I dont know why it doesent load Pics this Time.. Just have to click them.

Thats good with the Nimbims, cause i did what i promised just in Time:hippy:

Yeah, it is the Chinese that makes the Vietblack pretty rushy. I slightly preffere the Hoabac over it in overall..

I like them all about the same.
I will explore new Strains in future, hopefully i find the pure Viet, wich is ultrapotent AND kind. yes you got it; Rushy is not perfectly what i search and remember... Old Viet instead is rather a Flash i would say, but very deep Flash.
:d5: Awesome re the Nimbins, about 19 and 20cm tall atm, not much growth, maybe the mix is a bit hot, i am trying to get the organic for the main pots. As usual the yard has a few fungas gnats about i dont have bti now but some new product

I will try later for the pictures maybe will work later.

Pure VietBlack would be nice, Hoabac she sounds nice also. Hopefully you can find the pure Viet, they must be out there, if you could speak vietnamese maybe a search in their country
@romanoweed G'Day mate , I will be following along for sure , Very interesting . :thumbsup: