Plant #1 was started in its final container and is 34days old

Plant #2 was transplanted and is 20 days old

Regardless of the age NL 2 is significantly smaller at 20 days old then NL1 was at 20.
Both are Northern Light autos. Although NL#1 is in
OF and NL#2 is in
HF. I dont know how much that played a part. Also NL#2 was stunted as a seedling because i started it in shitty organic soil, so i was transplanted twice. Once in
HF and once into final container.
This is just one experiment obviously would have to do this many times to get real results but for now im convinced the results are conclusive, do not transplant autos

Plant #2 was transplanted and is 20 days old

Regardless of the age NL 2 is significantly smaller at 20 days old then NL1 was at 20.
Both are Northern Light autos. Although NL#1 is in
This is just one experiment obviously would have to do this many times to get real results but for now im convinced the results are conclusive, do not transplant autos