Seed Bank Reputable seedbanks based in countries other than the US, Spain, Netherlands, UK


F**k Bolsonaro!!!
May 25, 2020
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
vaping ze hash on ze Mighty
I live in a country (Brazil) where unfortunately any orders coming from the countries of the US, Spain, Netherlands, UK, Chile and Uruguay receive an extra attention by the customs and are in high risk of being seized by authorities.

I even had once a letter from Spain containing seeds seized - and it was utmost discrete. Not legally an issue in so small quantities, but it sucks to lose the money.

I am searching for alternatives of good seedbanks that dispatch internationally from any other countries other than listed.

Do you know any that are reputable?

thanks a lot!
I know what you feel becauce the last seed packet from Spain was opened by Custum.
Now seeed sare legal in Denmark but I still worry if som prick in Custums wil report to the police that I bought them.
I found this seedbank for you, not much and only in Danish langue but that´s what Google are for,I can also help you translate if you message me.
I wouldn't have any problem to order from them, as long as they have a very discreet ordering option, what does not include sending for example in DVD boxes (which are a trick that has been known for ages by the customs).