Fantastic site! I placed another question down in the Medical forum and the response gave me weeks worth of research material, wow!!!
I have also been reading grow journals and doing research on soil and dwc and nutrients and lions and tigers and bears oh my. So my question now is, for a relatively new comer to the scene, what would be your recommendations as far as grow media, dirt or dwc, what nutrients, etc. I would like this tempered by the realization that I have some growing experience with tropical plants (hibiscus, heliconia, ginger) but that has all been outdoor growing in soil. What I need now is recommendations for indoor recreational/medical, 1 or 2 plants at a time. I will be using CFL initially but could still use recommendations on wattage etc here. I don't mind a little work involved as I work from home and have time to dedicate, but would like something fairly bulletproof if you know what I mean. Thanks in advance.