New Grower raising soil ph during the grow

Nov 25, 2012
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I am hoping you guys can help me out.I am 4 weeks into the grow and I have finally received a eco2 ph meter by water going in has been at 7.7 and my runoff came out at 5.3 I have been experiencing cupping issues with fan leaves and I know it is not heat stress I have fed once with growmore 4=26-26 at a rate of 1/8 tsp for a gallon on 2 plants in 2 gallon pots.what and how can I raise the ph of the soil while during the grow to get it closer to the 6.5 target thanx:bighug: by the way soil is 60 percent ffof 30 percent perlite and 10 percent jiffy seed starter mix:pass:
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Dolemite Lime should do the trick.
so I guess the answer is to sprinkle some dolemite lime onto the top of the soil and scratch it in and then water with 6.5 ph water? I thought lime was a slow release buffer and is not a immediate solution to the problem is this the best method? I do appreciate you all giving me a hand with this:d5: a tsp per gallon so 2 tsp for each 2 gallon pot will do it?
Soil will always take awhile to adjust, no quick fixes really. The lime should do the trick, just have to be patient.

Normal use to adjust ph by 1 point up would be 5 lbs of lime per 100 sq ft .. so .8 oz per square foot. Hope that helps.
well I did some crazy math .. and from what Im seeing a 2 gallon pot would need 1 teaspoon of lime .. anyone want to check me on that?
2 gallon pot = 1/5 of a cubic foot, so it would require .16 oz of lime to adjust which is roughly 1/3 of a tablespoon or 1 teaspoon.
thanx for the help and the math:worship: I guess I will have to live and learn on this one and I will adjust the rest of the dirt in the bag and let it cook for the future thanxs again:smokeout: