Old Reviews Quick review BSLED SP111D LED

Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
I recieved my new SP111D LED light from BSLED today and thought I would post a few pictures and my initial impressions. Once the light shipped it took about 4 days to get here via Fedex from China. It also took them about 4 days to ship the light out. So about 8 days total from payment. Not bad at all. The light seems very well made and is actually much heavier than I imagined. Each light bank has its own finned heatsink. This model has 2 fans that move quite a bit of air and does so without much noise. This light came with the X3 lenses to my surprise. I'm not actually sure what the difference is over the older X2 lenses.

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Nice lights mate. Loving the seperate heatsink on each LEd cluster.
Ive seen quite a few of these new X3 lenses now, Hopefully will be getting a couple of similiar units myself to test. Eager Beaver!
Ive got the GN-Ms0006 at mo, have a look at my albums, pretty good lights, Love LED's
The difference mainly is the magnification of the chip, plenty of LED Gurus on here mate so ill leave this one to the Electronic Geniuses to go right into detail with you!
I could but.....im wayyy to lazy and ive got a cold aswell. lol.

Happy LEDing! Cant wait to see some results from those bad boys. :pop:
This light came with the X3 lenses to my surprise. I'm not actually sure what the difference is over the older X2 lenses.

Well one is 1 digit higher than the other. :D I don't really know and I'll leave it alone.
Nice little write up. Can't wait to see performance.
Look at those big beautiful heat sinks... fapfapfap.
I'm wondering if increased magnification actually increases the light "power" or penetration so much as it does aid in mixing the spectrum?
I'm wondering if increased magnification actually increases the light "power" or penetration so much as it does aid in mixing the spectrum?

You're getting into optical engineering. Narrow lenses throw the photons farther at the expense of the diameter of the light cone as it propagates. Color blending occurs when two different light cones intersect, and the geometry of the lenses and reflectors determine when and where that happens.
Cool I totally understood that. So what do you think is happening most with the x3's?
Look at those big beautiful heat sinks... fapfapfap.

lolol :roflcry: @ Fapping
We use to call it banging one out in my day, lol, effing teen terminology, get enuff of that from my three teen kids! lol
Think ill go get me a cup of Horlicks, Grandad that i am.
Propaganda. Real men would just say 60 degrees. I've seen x4 lenses out now... Not that they don't rock my socks off, but lets get real. If more people understand it more people will be interested in buying it.