New Grower Quick question on flushing

Dec 8, 2014
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Hi all, hope all are well.

I was wondering, my plants are ready to be flushed to change nutes to flowering, would it be alright to flush with tap water that hasn't sat out for 24hr? As I'm using 3 10l air pots and 1 15l airpot, this is going to require a lot of water. And don't have enough containers for it all to sit. My other option was to do two each day. thoughts?

Plenty of growers flush with water straight from the tap so im guessing it wont do any harm. I plan to do the same myself when the time comes
do 2 each day and let the chlorine leach out man! Better to be safe. You've brought your girls this far, hate to see you botch a grow by cutting corners. :thumbs:
Hey man. If it helps, when I flush I use water straight from the tap (normally about 3 x pot size) and then after that I run it through with about 10L of properly adjusted, lightly nuted water to finish.

This has never given me any problems at all so I assume it works!
Thanks for the info, if I was to do straight from the tap would it be advised to warm the water up? Will the cold do any damage to roots?
i may do it 2 lots though, as i think I've already pulled enough of my hair out with this! Who knew growing would be so stressful!!
