So, i got bored and decided i wanted to start growing some autoflowers. I got some ideas online and i put this box together. Im a first time grower so this is completely new to me. Any input would be completely welcome and appreciated. The box is 2 fet by 2 feet wide and 3 feet tall. I have an extra foot on top for a storage type space but i can add stilts to raise the box to 4 feet if i need to. I have a 70w high pressure sodium light on a timer. also there is a fan hanging also to provide circulation and a breeze for the plant. There are a number of 2 inch holes along the wall behind the fan. Think that is enough for ventilation? I am debating installing a few small computer fans to provide it with more air circulation. Im also worried about how the light will affect the temp inside the box. Do i need to worry about humidity for my first grow? is it that important? Thanks for anyone input!