Outdoor Questions



I'm thinking about getting a 6x8 greenhouse http://www.mazeproducts.com.au/Products/6x8_Greenhouse.aspx
What kind of yields can I expect with growing Mi5 and Think Different In It.
Australia,NSW,Byron Bay area. A few pictures. I cant tell you how many hours of direct sunlight it gets until tomorrow.

My bullmastiff puppy 8 weeks ;)
I highly doubt anyone here can even give you a ballpark number, there are just waaayyyyy too many variables. Your soil, container size, temperature, humidity, nutes, ph, Co2, number of plants, phenotypes, and then after all that we still have to consider your growing abilities, techniques, and methods. Maybe after we saw you grow a few grows we could throw some numbers, but by that time you would have already found out for yourself. Only one way to find out!
nice strains mate, risking to bring the breeder packs into Australia tho :D
Yeah I don't see any reason why it wouldn't, the only problem you may have would be stealth issues depending on your circumstances
Any idea what the minimum amount of direct sunlight that I will need to grow some good buds?
I've grown Mi5 outdoors, just not in a greenhouse. It's done well for me and I've gotten yields of close to 3 oz. per plant. Mine were getting direct sun for about 10 hours a day, with indirect light the rest of the time. Of course, as previously mentioned, there are lots of other factors like soil and nutrients, that will also factor into your final yields.
Yeah but i just realised my greenhouse will only get about 3 hours of direct sun :(. Do you know If I will still be able to pull maybe 1 or more ounces each plant? Or maybe If I can somehow get a light inside the greenhouse (solar maybe long cord/generator) If I can still pull an ounce each plant that's still plenty enough.
Yeah but i just realised my greenhouse will only get about 3 hours of direct sun :(. Do you know If I will still be able to pull maybe 1 or more ounces each plant? Or maybe If I can somehow get a light inside the greenhouse (solar maybe long cord/generator) If I can still pull an ounce each plant that's still plenty enough.

IME three hours of good sunlight will not only not give you those yields at all but can also cause hermie issues. Three hours isn't enough to even fool with. I guess it could depend on how the INdirest sunlight is though.