Cultivators Club
- Can PM live in the soil?
- Would it be safe to reuse the same soil after I culled a plant that was showing PM? Maybe dig out the top layer of soil?
- Will fabric pots hold spores?
- I have other fabric pots that were in the same tent that are still growing plants which are not affected (who knows if spores are present dormantly waiting to pop up)… should I maybe spray/soak the fabric pots down with h202, Apple Cidar Vinegar, sodium bicarbonate, or maybe bleach? if so which solution & concentration?
- Is it true that bleach is not 100% effective & is not an approved method by the EPA? If so, what’s the next best option.
- Is it ok to spray down fans with straight H202?
- If I were to use H202 to clean tent should it be straight 3%, 3% diluted 50/50, or 3% diluted 1/10?
- Do I need a new carbon filter, or just washing the outer filter is ok? best solution to wash filter in?
- Best way to clean the rest of the tent preferably organic (if possible), but not opposed to whatever works best?
- Any recommendations on a HEPA filter? Links?
- I want as much space in tent as possible, so is it ok to run HEPA filter on outside of tent, or it needs to be inside of tent?