New Grower Question about pistils...

Dec 10, 2013
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just a random one that floated through my brain earlier...

Do the size of the pistils directly relate to the size of the buds?

short fat pistils long stringy pistils

Will shorter fatter pistils yield smaller more compact/dense buds and the longer will yield a much longer, and possibly not as dense bud?
again...just one of those random questions that made me go "hmmmmmmmm....i wonder....." lol
I think the MORE white hairs maybe, but dont know bout size of hairs. What about this. Seems if you stress or overfeed the hairs turn orange think the longer you keep white, the bigger they get? Hhmm?
It makes me wish I had a rather leggy girl this time around, cause then i'd be able to compare.

.you think the longer you keep white, the bigger they get? Hhmm?

hmmm...I'm thinkin though, if they're still white, they arent mature. Meaning they're still growing, meaning bigger buds.....
i would THINK lol but dear god don't quote me lol
Whats weird though is the nlb im doin now. Well all the hairs turned orange and fell off WAY early. But now after just 2 plain water feeds more white hairs are comin guessin I had to much salt buildup maybe and now that its gettin flushed out she decided to go back to putting on weight.but you can see she starvin for mag. Hhmm must have been phos or potash.
I think the MORE white hairs maybe, but dont know bout size of hairs. What about this. Seems if you stress or overfeed the hairs turn orange think the longer you keep white, the bigger they get? Hhmm?

Yea fade i believe your right, more buds need more white hairs to collect more pollen. As far as indication of bud size or structure determined by hairs size or structure, that's a good question that i am now wondering myself
huh. I've never heard of pistils falling off ....intriguing lol.

Sir beast -
that's a good question that i am now wondering myself
you know what im sayin'?!? lol Im full of em....good questions that is lol
I like to believe that I'm a genius sometimes, i mean when i smoke a good sativa, the thoughts questions, answers and realizations that pass threw my mind are incredibly amazing, like i could break down every infrastructure in every society around earth and rebuild to make the world better and easier to live, with love n

Growbeast quote of the day: geniuses are full of questions. :Sharing One:
LOL....ohhhh growbeast.

that reminds me of a story, lol.

Gather round the rug, my children, for another enticing chapter of "WTF?!? with Mz. W". lmao


so as you can tell from our title here, that this is the story of a girl who has had nothing but horrible trips. The first time she took them, her "friends" let her face an entire quarter ounce of shrooms. And it was amazing...for 10 minutes, and then her roommate (who happened to be terribly, flamboyantly gay) came bursting through the front door at 230am, screaming and crying, just in hysterics about how he'd been robbed at gun point and car jacked when he was leaving the bar in Philly. Fucking buzz.kill.

The second time, she was talked into 'just try them one more time, cause i know how awesome it CAN be. They won't let me eat too much.' So she figures, ok what the hell. I'm in great company of nothing but people who have taken shrooms many many times and if I start having a bad trip, they'll know what to do and be able to calm me down...or something?
Well then another of their friends came over and ate the remaining shrooms when she had her back turned. And THIS THIS girl, lol decides that she's figured out the meaning of life, and it all makes sense to her now, and all of life and existence is for nothing and blah blah i dont even fucking remember blah blah lol meanwhile she's bawling her eyes out having this giant ass epiphany. I can't recall what ruined my trip this time, but I remember drinking orange juice to 'intensify the trip' because it had been going well, and then drinking a fuck load of milk to calm it down once it started going bad? I dont fucking remember...too many drugs lol

and your obligatory 'wtf?!' moment?

the girl who thought she had life figured out? Just a few months later she was hitting a can of dust-off.... while driving down the road...crossed 2 lanes of traffic, and hit 2 people, killing one of them.
::smacks head::
yeahhhhhhh, you got it alllll figured out. The meaning of life is ..... Involuntary Manslaughter?

And THAT my friends, is "WTF?!? with Mz. W"
Wow lol. I never did shrooms, but this one time, while on E-pills, i had two thoughts in my head that cost me my first prison bid...

Thought one: these dudes in front of my truck coming out of taco bell want to kill me
Thought two: Must get them first

First degree assault with deadly weapon (my truck)

So i guess that could be a wtf moment lol was out of my mind. Drugs alcohol and bipolar don't mix well, now I stick to my weed

EDIT: Dr Beast also recommends you stick to just the weed mz W lls