question about feeding

Apr 1, 2021
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i just started an autoflower (amnesia haze-ilgm strain )
growing in peat/coco mix in 3 gallon smart pots
using rodi water( use it for saltwater so it can serve 2 ) ph balanced 5.5-6.5 for watering

now when i start using nutes ( cal/mag and modified lucas formula just using GH micro and bloom)

do i feed every watering to 5-25% run off or do i feed 2-3 times a week and water inbetween

thanks for all the info have great day
I would say every other watering feed them but i'm new myself just going on what ive noticed in my soil, i guess you could get a ppm meter and check the run off if its low feed if not just water. Goodluck!
thanks i have a tds/ppm meter already thanks i look into what ppm range it should be
@thedougen :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome:

Ok, yes or no! Coco is a modified hydroponics media and peat is closer to a soil although will tolerate and sometimes benefit from a small runoff to light flush. When you mix the two together you get something more akin to a soil? I think you just need to experiment as you go.

Did you put any buffering agents in the soil? If not then fertigate/water to 10%-15% run-off by the end of the day every time you water.

I don't like that nutrient approach. I believe in balanced nutrients. This is what I mean:

Have fun learning to farm!
its promix
  • Sphagnum peat moss (60-70% by volume)
  • Perlite
  • Coir
  • Gypsum
  • Ground Limestone (for pH adjustment)
  • Wetting agent

nothing in the mix-----was gunna use gh flora nutes with cal/mag go with all 3 nutes instead of the 2 ( lucas formula )