Fast Buds Purple Lemonade review

Sep 29, 2018
Reaction score
Sorry, no pictures. I will get that out of the way.

Grew out 4x Purple Lemonade plants. 3 did not exhibit purple characteristics and the smoke was okay. Not terrible, but nothing to write home about. Yield was good, bud formation was good. Scent and taste were subpar. Pretty disappointing other then the visual appeal of huge, healthy plants.

Now, onto the 1 that turned purple. She yielded less than the others, and did not have the "tight" bud formation of the other 3 which ended up with a lot of flower going for extraction. Good flower yield was around 7 ounces, flowers that went to extraction were around 4 ounces. All flowers were very sticky, very smelly, and covered in "white sugar" goodness. This might of been one of the stickiest and most flavorful strains I have grown. My friend on a blind taste test immediately called out a citrus flavor, "like lemonade", and the flowers stink of it too. I was very happy with this outcome. Extraction yield was high, and excellent quality out of a rosin press.

The purple plant did not exhibit any purple coloring until full flower, with the outside of the sugar leaves starting to turn purple and work inward. This is opposite of other purple strains I have grown, where the purple coloring starts in the flowers and works outward to the sugar leaves. Found that pretty cool, the flowers were beautiful from start to finish. I'm talking magazine quality coloring.

In conclusion, my results were 25% for experiencing what was advertised in a side by side comparison. It has potential to be some amazing smoke. The rest is up to you! Maybe I just got really unlucky.

NOTES: I HST with topping, supercropping and defoliation. Plants recovered great. Growth was vigorous and none of the plants exhibited any health issues. I am no professional grower, and make mistakes. Any of the above issues could of been caused by my negligence and cannot be 100% attributed to the breeder. This is simply my opinion and results.
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