Live Stoners Project Kino

Oct 17, 2016
Reaction score
-- Intro
Hey, you I would like to recruit you to help me. With ideas and your perspective.

I recently had a new idea for a game but in this case the strong urge to realize it. The best part about that is that I already have a game self-published (LINK) and have a little experience with what it takes to make a game. So you know you most likely won't waste your time by spending it on this.

Now I would love to tap the minds of my fellow stoners here because I like the community and would like to utilize it. So I'm going to ask different questions/pose different theoretical scenarios to get a variety of perspectives. If that's cool with the mods.

-- What is this game then?
Now of course I will try not to spoil anything important so for now we'll focus on the universe, backgrounds and mechanical pieces.

Quick primer: The tech level is ~equivalent to Stargate's "ancients".. just before they left their galaxy (so Star Trek without the matter/energy magic).

The game itself will be playing on a research vessel in volume about equivalent to 5 average family homes. This vessel will be crewed by seven people (by function: Captain Navigator Tactical Officer Engineer Bio-chemist Botanist Anthropologist). This crew will have been on their journey for half a year, we're jumping in on the last month of that in the prologue.

When the game starts you will be presented with this information, then a loop starts. Each week you can give each member one task to finish over the week. These decisions are made via multiple choice panels (4 max choices per week) containing sketch/concept level graphical depictions of the tasks. The decisions are never revealed. The player makes the choices and moves on to the next member/week.

These decisions will shape the "world" you are going to inhabit in the actual game. The fix point is that at some point during those 4 weeks the ship is going to start malfunctioning and has to be evacuated (the point at which that happens also depends on the player choices).

-- Examples
So if you for example are parked next to a quazar or pulsar for research purposes when things go wrong.. the environment on the ship might be a bit "hostile". In that case all energy would be going to the shields so the ship doesn't fry and everything else would be on emergency power. So that would mean one task for the player in the game later is getting out of there and switching the shields off so they can power on the rest of the ship. (depending in the engine state of disrepair this can result in gameplay worth one to ten minutes). The engine state could be another variable for the engineer while the ship location would be determined by the navigator.

Another example would be a pre task to gather some lime on a planet to refill the co2 scrubbers or the air is gonna be scat later in the actual game.

-- Here you come in:
I need crew chores and goals to do on a research ship that has to spend half a year in space.

So far I got:
* collecting/mining lime for co2 filtration
* collecting water (h2o) (from random space rocks)
* collecting nitrogen (from a gas giant?)
* filtering hdo out of the h2o for fuel (on board refinery process or on site filtering)
* maintaining the hydroponics
* calibrating guns/shields
* Checking artificial atmosphere levels for pathogens
* changing the bags on the dust sucker drones
* researching different phenomena in space
* researching alien species
* Manufacturing glass components (one person could request borosilicate glass for a machine and the other guy delivers tempered glass which shatters (discoverable by email exchange))

If you can think of more things to do please do let me know.
Could goals be:
Building / upgrading equipment or machinery
Breeding new food strains (or anything green)