Grow Mediums Process for Maintaining pH & EC/PPM in 70/30 Coco/Perlite Mix - Autopots!

Aug 19, 2021
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Howdy folks. About to do my first indoor grow, first autopot grow, 2nd grow ever. My prior experience is an outdoor grow using soil I mixed myself.

Got everything set up with the standard 4 pot system, beans are soaking. Going from rapid rooters, straight into the autopots for 14-21 days of hand watering. Using air domes with air stones instead of the standard tubes. 1.5" of Hydroton at the base.

Regarding the 70/30 coco mix, is it good to smack the pot a bit to let it pack down some? Better wicking maybe?

The big question, and the only thing stressing me out is the process for monitoring and controlling pH and EC. If anyone could share their procedures, it would be appreciated. Thanks.
Hi and welcome! I also use 70/30 perlite to coco ratio....and root riots. I use 5gallon or 2.2 gallon plastic autopots. I dont worry about packing the coco down, as the first pre water gets it pretty good...then I may have to top off with a bit more coco. I always make sure the pH of my feed going on my plants is around 5.9 (as mine has a tendency to drift up a bit). I mix it up and check it with TDS meter. I just hand water my babies about 1.5 liters of feed every 5 days. Once leaves are reaching the sides of the pot, I turn on the rez. When I start using the res, I make sure to check it every day with the TDS meter to keep ph around 5.9-6. I use PH DOWN a lot, as I have never had to Ph up with my water. I dont test runoff, none of that. I test ph...but dont fret over it . But, take what I say with a grain of salt as I am just a Hot Mess Mom grower!! :biggrin: You are in a wonderful place full of great peeps, WELCOME!
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Regarding the 70/30 coco mix, is it good to smack the pot a bit to let it pack down some? Better wicking maybe?
I hit, shake, etc. the pot vigorously, to get rid of any major voids/empty space. Even doing that, freshly mixed coco/perlite is going to settle some after the first top feedings. You may even need to add some more (or I may add a top layer of hydroton) after a few feedings. [I currently use coco/perlite with Air-Pots, but 'smacking' the pot after initial filling seems good to do with any type of pot].
@MassMom - MOM's know best, and that's the exact answer I was hoping for. I didn't want to go nuts with the runoff like I've read some people do.

@BII - Thanks. I slammed the bottom of 2 pots into the ground a few times to pack the coco. I had to add 2 more inches, so was just about to dump than refill them thinking they were too packed.
I am going through the same thing. 3.9g autopots/70/30/airdromes. Many years ago I grew in single dwc buckets, I chased ph constantly, was a pain the ass. I’m sure a lot had to do with many other things. I was using the Lucas GH formula and it worked for the most part. I’m starting a new setup after 7 years of not growing and this is where I’m starting. Advanced Nutrients ph perfect. I get it’s not necessarily always ph perfect just how they make the nutrients more readily available at broader spectrum, but there claim and that of many older grow journals on AFN, is it works and just mix it and let it be. I still bought a combo blue lab meter, but I’ll let you know how it goes.

There is some great older journals on AFN I found. I have read all of Hansbricks, it’s like he can still teach all these years later wherever he is.
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Very sweet. I bought a gallon each of Botanicare grow and their Hydro Bloom, so I will use that. Autoflowers on the first run so I'm going very light on the nutes and will PH the rez before I turn it on. I think these nutes are considered organic but I'm going to keep a pump mixing the reservoir and may even put a tea filter over the factory "filter". Will keep a close eye for clogs. The nutes are not clumpy or overly thick though, so we'll see.
Very sweet. I bought a gallon each of Botanicare grow and their Hydro Bloom, so I will use that. Autoflowers on the first run so I'm going very light on the nutes and will PH the rez before I turn it on. I think these nutes are considered organic but I'm going to keep a pump mixing the reservoir and may even put a tea filter over the factory "filter". Will keep a close eye for clogs. The nutes are not clumpy or overly thick though, so we'll see.

Autopot claims with new aqua valve 5 can support organics, let me know!

Coming from the rdwc world, I have 3 of these. They are BlueLab Guardians, and I cannot stress enough the welcomed simplicity of being able to just take a quick glance at the wall and see what you need to see. I can poke my head into my garden, take a quick look, and carry on. Takes maybe 10 seconds, if that, if nothing indicates it needs attention.

A bit of overkill for an autopot res? Maybe. Convenient as hell? Oh you bet your sweet biscuits it is. A definite must in a recirculating hydro res, but also quite handy for the autopot res. I've been mixing my nutes in 10gal increments. Leaves me room for 2 gallons if I need to thin the mix a bit.

While I'm moving to super soil from here on out, it will still be handy to keep an eye on things a bit. Not that soil is near as finicky as hydro, but still nice if I need to use the option to dose things through the res (calmag, root boost, etc). Although with supersoil top dressing shouldn't be near the issue as it would be with salt nutes from the res.

I'm not saying everyone has to have one of these or you suck. Not at all. A pen and a check now and then is fine too. But since I have them already, why not keep them in use? :D :D

Coming from the rdwc world, I have 3 of these. They are BlueLab Guardians, and I cannot stress enough the welcomed simplicity of being able to just take a quick glance at the wall and see what you need to see. I can poke my head into my garden, take a quick look, and carry on. Takes maybe 10 seconds, if that, if nothing indicates it needs attention.

A bit of overkill for an autopot res? Maybe. Convenient as hell? Oh you bet your sweet biscuits it is. A definite must in a recirculating hydro res, but also quite handy for the autopot res. I've been mixing my nutes in 10gal increments. Leaves me room for 2 gallons if I need to thin the mix a bit.

While I'm moving to super soil from here on out, it will still be handy to keep an eye on things a bit. Not that soil is near as finicky as hydro, but still nice if I need to use the option to dose things through the res (calmag, root boost, etc). Although with supersoil top dressing shouldn't be near the issue as it would be with salt nutes from the res.

I'm not saying everyone has to have one of these or you suck. Not at all. A pen and a check now and then is fine too. But since I have them already, why not keep them in use? :D :D
It would be sheer heaven to look at a meter and know PPM and PH of my rez at a glance!!
But, this mom has to save for seeds (as her budget stinks, ha ha)...but maybe I will be really really good and ask Santa for one!!
For now, I am a slave to my $20.00 PH and TDS Pen's!
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Coming from the rdwc world, I have 3 of these. They are BlueLab Guardians, and I cannot stress enough the welcomed simplicity of being able to just take a quick glance at the wall and see what you need to see. I can poke my head into my garden, take a quick look, and carry on. Takes maybe 10 seconds, if that, if nothing indicates it needs attention.

A bit of overkill for an autopot res? Maybe. Convenient as hell? Oh you bet your sweet biscuits it is. A definite must in a recirculating hydro res, but also quite handy for the autopot res. I've been mixing my nutes in 10gal increments. Leaves me room for 2 gallons if I need to thin the mix a bit.

While I'm moving to super soil from here on out, it will still be handy to keep an eye on things a bit. Not that soil is near as finicky as hydro, but still nice if I need to use the option to dose things through the res (calmag, root boost, etc). Although with supersoil top dressing shouldn't be near the issue as it would be with salt nutes from the res.

I'm not saying everyone has to have one of these or you suck. Not at all. A pen and a check now and then is fine too. But since I have them already, why not keep them in use? :D :D

That looks awesome. Autopots states not to let the rez get less than 1/3 full. How do you get around that? I assume you just let it drain close to bottom, then just fill it with 10 gals of premixed nutrients.

Also, what is the issue with top dressing the pots if growing in coco? Just starting my first grow...