New Grower Problems with log in?

Dec 17, 2012
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Every time I log in I have to reset my password cuz it dose not work. I know its correct cuz I use the same one for every thing. I re set it today and made a new one and still a few hours later it would not work. I just was able to get back on yesterday. I was locked out for like 2 years before this and it would not let me re set my password for the 2 years. I tried several times over the years. I get on yesterday and was finally able to reset it and was excited but now I have to reset it every time. I have used different search engines and networks WTF? Any one else having these problems. I went like the first 6 months with no problems. What is my problem here? The last 2 years it would not even let me email the administrator to tell them there was a problem.
Joe, there should be a tick box to "remember password" when logging; try that out and see if it solves the issue.

As to your account and being locked out; we just had a major upgrade to different forum software so there have been a lot of changes to how we are operating right now. On the previous software, the e-mail system was disabled due to some security problems that popped up a few winters back. You could have always created a dummy account and requested a password change; just a heads up if it happens in the future again :d5:

Out of curiosity, when you are browsing, does the web address start with https:// or http:// ?
Thanks for the help. I will try the remember password button.