Problems or end of life cycle?

Jul 18, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Dinafem White Widow
Medium/grow method: Soil Canna Terra Pro 10l Fabric Pot

Feed: and supplements used: Bio Grow/Fish, Bio Bloom, Bio Heaven, Alg-a-mic, Activera and Epsom Salts at week 5

Water source: Bottled PH 6.2

Strain/age: Zambeeza Big Bud Xxl Auto 59 days

Light used: 600watt dual spectrum HPS 16" from the top of canopy

Climate: max 30degrees and minimum of 20 at lights out typical RH 30%

Watered 2 days ago with 2ml Bio Grow, 4ml Bio Bloom, 4ml Bio Heaven and 4ml Alg-a-mic. Always water till run off of around 10%.

Now breed says seed to harvest 60/70 days, but I know these times are rarely the case.

That said I'm not sure if I've got a potassium deficiency or the plants just coming to the end of her life but the buds are far from ready seems to be only the bottom 1/3 of the plant. Any input would be great guys.

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Are you using cal/mag?She still has a way to go so to early to for natural yellowing.Are you feeding full recommended dosage?
Are you using cal/mag?She still has a way to go so to early to for natural yellowing.Are you feeding full recommended dosage?
Yeah I know man that's what I'm so confused.

I'm not using calmag im using Epsom salts calmag isnt readily available to me where I'm located, yeah 4ml Bloom and just dropped to 2ml of grow didn't start using the grow till 3 weeks ago as the soil is very much nitrogen rich already.

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Looks like mag def so hopefully the epsom salt will help it from spreading.I would remove the yellow leaves because there to far gone.I would raise the light up to prevent burning.
Looks like mag def so hopefully the epsom salt will help it from spreading.I would remove the yellow leaves because there to far gone.I would raise the light up to prevent burning.
I'll trim her tonight and give her small flush followed by a straight feed of Epsom salt cheers buddy.

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:toke: weird manifestation on these symptoms! I'd say K as well, but the lack of actual necrosis at the margin teeth tips is really odd,... On rare occasion, N defc. can do this strange yellowing pattern though,... the fact that it's on the lowers helps too, as both are mobile within the plant,.... Biobizz is very mild, I see basic lack-of defc.'s all the time with their line,... get a good PK booster going, even if it's synthetic.. A little of that isn't going to foul anything up, the plant doesn't "know" the difference, the forms of nutes taken up are the same (and limited to) regardless of it being organic or synthetic,... with organics, the soil microbes are responsible for converting the various nutes sources into absorbable forms, a slower process....
:toke: weird manifestation on these symptoms! I'd say K as well, but the lack of actual necrosis at the margin teeth tips is really odd,... On rare occasion, N defc. can do this strange yellowing pattern though,... the fact that it's on the lowers helps too, as both are mobile within the plant,.... Biobizz is very mild, I see basic lack-of defc.'s all the time with their line,... get a good PK booster going, even if it's synthetic.. A little of that isn't going to foul anything up, the plant doesn't "know" the difference, the forms of nutes taken up are the same (and limited to) regardless of it being organic or synthetic,... with organics, the soil microbes are responsible for converting the various nutes sources into absorbable forms, a slower process....
Thanks for the input gentlemen update as follows:

The yellowing has I'd say stopped or at least slowed down since I gave her just water and Epsom salt.

I did think P defc but at full strength 4ml and not having it happen before I wasn't sure hell of a lot of bud sites tho I was thinking up to maybe 6ml per litre? I'm also using very little N at the moment with it being late in flower.

As for a PK booster I'll pop to my local shop and see what they have tomorrow pretty shogun are organic and do a booster.

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And the yellowing has stopped and she's steaming on now she's just starved of N as she's had pretty much only water last two feeds haha. Thanks for the help man.

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