Indoor problem can u help +rep


Personal-Use (Organic)
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
this is the worst of it on a few leaves mainlly the smaller leaves
i have experamental soil i think its bad drainage i have spiked holes in soil to the bottem to maybe help it could it be underwatered i havint payed much attention the last weeks cause of surgery and lazyness

what u think guys ?

cant wait to see what it is i have the same problem ..I kind thought it was just my soil it could be kinda hot or ph i always am adjusting... it will be iteresting to see what the general consenses is..
kinda looks like to much P...or ph is off locking out the P...that's just IMO...:D......:smokebuds:
I agree with Mr. NS, bro. Do you know where your pH is at? :smokebuds:
I agree with Mr. NS, bro. Do you know where your pH is at? :smokebuds:
i say ph locking out the P because of the leaf curling...again that's IMO...could be wrong....have been plenty of times!...:lol:.....:smokebuds:
I agree it appears "K" related. Before answering, I would like to know... what did you put into your experimental soil to address phosphorous needs? How long did you allow it to compost down before using the soil?
hey bros im back

my ph is allways been 6.5 and it cant be heat problems
stupid soil i got this organic slow release fert soil i didnt read that part :)

what u guys recommend doing ill rep u guys soon
Looks like over fert. Using that slow release shit though I'm not sure how you'd fix that. Everytime you water it releases more fertilizer so I'm not sure if flushing would do too much good. Joe Dirt would be the guy to ask. I'm mostly hydro anyways.
Looks like over fert. Using that slow release shit though I'm not sure how you'd fix that. Everytime you water it releases more fertilizer so I'm not sure if flushing would do too much good. Joe Dirt would be the guy to ask. I'm mostly hydro anyways.

ill wait for any other suggestions i was going to flush like crazy get those nutes out but i will wait a day or 2